In Between Loves Blu-ray (1989) 求愛夜驚魂 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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In Between Loves Blu-ray (1989) 求愛夜驚魂 (Region A) (English Subtitled)
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Maggie Cheung 張曼玉
Alfred Cheung 張堅庭
Lawrence Cheng 鄭丹瑞
Sandra Ng 吳君如
Michael Chow 周文健
Lawrence Ng Kai Wah 吳啟華

Allan Fung 馮意清

Audio Tracks:
PCM 2.0

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:
94 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date: 
22 May 2020

Taxi driver Cheung is a secret admirer of TV anchorwoman Tung. He keeps feeding her news stories. Woman taxi driver Ti is in love with Cheung, but she almost falls prey to a rapist, Chan Wan. Chan kidnaps Ceung & Tung and is about to kill them, Ti comes to their rescue, and together they subdue the rapist and take him to the police. By now Cheung realises that Ti really loves him and he loves her.

阿龍(張堅庭 飾)是夜班的士司機,但知識水平較高,自命不凡。他的夢中情人是電視台女記者珍(張曼玉 飾)。一次邂逅後,龍千方百計想與珍有進一步關係,於是求他的朋友幫忙,當街上每有新聞發生,便第一時間通知他,借機討好珍。電視新聞界競爭激烈,必須發掘獨有新聞素材,但大新聞可遇不可求,龍不惜製造意外來取悅珍,豈料弄巧成拙,惹珍反感。珍接到龍的電話,表示有一條轟天動地的情報。龍希望珍明白,他所做的一切,都是為了她……
Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • In Between Loves Blu-ray (1989) 求愛夜驚魂 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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