Missing Blu-ray (2019) 失蹤 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Missing Blu-ray (2019) 失蹤 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Gillian Chung 鍾欣潼 (前名: 鍾欣桐)
Ling Man Lung 凌文龍 
Ko Hon Man 高翰文
Candice Yu 余安安
Joey Leung 梁祖堯
JJ Jia 賈曉晨
Josephine Koo 顧美華

Ronnie Chau 趙羅尼

Audio Tracks:  
True-HD 5.1 96 kHz Upsampling

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time:  
85 minutes

NeoFilms (NFi) HK

Release Date:
5 March 2020

In 2005, a high-profile case of a police officer who disappeared during a forest hike spawned urban legends about the existence of a gateway into another world. In 2016, those legends inspired popular internet novel Missing, which is now being adapted into an eerie supernatural thriller by first-time director and Fresh Wave alum Ronnie Chau. Former pop idol Gillian Chung stars as a social worker who hires a mountain guide to search for her missing father in the mountains. She discovers the mystical gateway from the urban legends, but is her father really waiting for her on the other side?

西貢大蚊山⼀帶,⼀直有不少行山人士失蹤,搜索隊無論派出幾多人,搜過每一吋土地, 總是找不到失蹤者,有傳聞那裡正是結界的入口,卻沒有出口。

七年前,休班警員薛利華(高翰文飾)獨自去大蚊山行山,失蹤前,他曾經致電警察伙記 程若藍(賈曉晨飾)求助,言語間卻語無倫次。直至今天,仍然未有人找到他,也沒有找到 他屍首。

薛利華的女兒薛芷盈(鍾欣潼飾)從事社工,七年來,她⼀直相信爸爸未死,但媽媽(余安 安飾)卻在丈夫失蹤兩年後,斷然決定不再找尋,但求女兒可以從鬱結中走出來,重過正常 ⽣活。兩人對薛利華失蹤的意見不合,成為母女間的最大衝突。

薛家的鄰居麥子清(凌文龍飾)獨力照顧患上腦退化症的媽媽(顧美華飾),加上工作 壓力令麥子清百上加斤,精神出現問題,潛藏在內心的暴力傾向慢慢滲出來,直至帶媽媽 上山……

一日,行山專家何尚言(梁祖堯飾)在山上找到薛利華的警員證,令芷盈重燃希望。何尚言 更給她⼀個新概念-結界,他就是少數走出結界的⼈。他懂得結界某些規則,在結界見過失蹤多時的太太;作為社工的薛芷盈,在⼀次拯救自殺少女亦意外走進結界,兩件事 推動她走上山,找尋傳說中的結界。

薛芷盈、何尚言、程若藍決定上山尋找真相。山上三人手機開始無訊號、不停在⼀個地方繞圈、麥子清突然出現…… 眾人好像入了結界?

有人情緒開始失控、有人慌亂在找出又、 有人好像看到了真相,結界有出又嗎?芷盈最終又找到父親薛利華?

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Missing Blu-ray (2019) 失蹤 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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