Fate Blu-ray (2023) 世上只有爸爸好 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

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Fate Blu-ray (2023) 世上只有爸爸好 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region Free

Liu Kai-chi 廖啟智
Chiu Sin Hang 趙善恆
Baby Bo Pui Yue 寶佩如
Paw Hee Ching 鮑起靜
Hero Yeun 阮政峰

Gurt Wong 黃汝樂

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby TrueHD 5.1

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 普通話/國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
- minutes (TBA)

CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
17 Nov 2023

Delivery truck driver, Uncle Chuen, works hard every day to put food on the table. His only son, Chong, is only interested in photography. Uncle Chuen doesn’t like how Chong idles his days away doing nothing, and this is a frequent flashpoint between the two. One time during an argument, Uncle Chuen slapped Chong on the face, and Chong ran out of the house, but didn’t forsee that Chong would be hit unexpectedly by a car. Uncle Chuen and his wife rushed to the hospital, but there was no way to save him. The director of organ donation at the hospital found out that Chong had registered as an organ donor before he died. Although Uncle Chuen still could not accept his son’s death, he pushed through the pain to fulfil his son’s dying wish, to leave a gift to those still alive.

貨車司機全叔為養家每日營營役役為口奔馳。其獨生子聰仔只愛攝影,全叔反對聰仔終日無所事事,不時都成為父子爭執導火線,一次兩人吵架,全叔怒摑了聰仔一巴, 兒子氣沖沖走出門,想不到聰仔不幸被車撞倒, 全叔夫婦趕到醫院,聰仔已返魂乏術。醫院器官捐贈主任得悉聰仔生前登記了器官捐贈,雖然全叔仍無法接受聰仔死去一事,但強忍悲痛,完成聰仔遺願,讓他遺愛人間。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Fate Blu-ray (2023) 世上只有爸爸好 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

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