The Darkest Minds 闇黑之心 Blu-Ray (2018) (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

$36.99 USD

The Darkest Minds 闇黑之心 Blu-Ray (2018) (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Amandla Stenberg
Mandy Moore
Bradley Whitford
Harris Dickinson
Patrick Gibson
Skylan Brooks

Jennifer Yuh Nelson

Audio Tracks: 

DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1, Dolby Digital 5.1


English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Czech, Hindi, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish, Thai

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean, Thai, Malay, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Craotian, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Polish

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)


20th Century Fox / Intercontinental Video Limited

Release Date:
1 Nov 2018

From producers of Stranger Things comes an empowering tale of teens who mysteriously develop new abilities and are declared a threat by the government. Ruby, one of the most powerful young people anyone has encountered, joins a group of runaway teens seeking safe haven. Soon, this newfound family realizes that collective power is needed to take back control of their fate and save future generations.

口碑載道的《怪奇物語》製作團隊挑戰大銀幕之作,改編自同名全球暢銷科幻小說。 一場神秘傳染病令大部分青少年死亡,倖存下來的竟然擁有強勁超能力,被政府視為史無前例的重大恐慌和威脅,勒令將他們逐一送進集中營,嚴密管束!少女露比身懷的異能屬最罕見的類型,她披荊斬棘逃出集中營後,加入一群處境相若的青年朋友浪跡天涯。眾人卻很快發現,原來他們早已默默地被神秘的專制極權蠻橫威脅!只有同心拼命反抗,才有一絲機會奪回生活與未來的主導權!

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • The Darkest Minds 闇黑之心 Blu-Ray (2018) (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

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