Black Cat Blu-ray (1991) 黑貓 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Black Cat Blu-ray (1991) 黑貓 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Jade Leung 梁崢
Simon Yam 任達華
Curtis Fraser
Thomas Lam 林祖輝
Denise Stauffer
Jordy Shane
Gregory Charles Rivers 河國榮

Stephen Shin 冼杞然

Audio Tracks:  
PCM 2.0

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
92 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
7 May 2021

Catherine (Jade Leung), a pretty but rebellious girl, who has committed her crime of killing a policeman. She has sentenced death penalty or she has to become an CIA trainer with a code “Black Cat”, whom will implant a micro chip into her brain in order to increase her physical power and train her up to be a cold-blooded killer. Finally, she accepts the training. After training, Catherine is transferred to Hong Kong and covered up as a journalist. She meets Allen (Thomas Lam), a scientist in a wild life reservation zone. Allen makes her to get to know about the real life from killing. At the time being, they decide to flee when Catherine’s trainer (Simon Yam) appears with killing request...

反叛少女Catherine(梁琤 飾)在加拿大四處流浪,因殺人殺警,被判死刑。CIA特工訓練科看中她異於常人的意志力和爆炸力,將一塊代號「黑貓」(Black Cat)的微型電腦晶片植入她腦內,並讓她接受嚴格訓練成為CIA特工。完全受CIA控制的Catherine改名為Erica,對任何人都不存在一絲感情和信任,絕對服從CIA的命令。

受訓完畢的Erica被派往香港,表面身份是雜誌攝影記者,暗裏則為CIA執行任務。期間認識了米埔鳥類保護區的科學主任Allen(林祖輝 飾),令她重新認識正常人的生活。此時,訓練官Brain(任達華 飾)卻帶著死亡的陰影出現,Erica不願放棄現有的生活,決與Allen奔上逃亡之路。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Black Cat Blu-ray (1991) 黑貓 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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