Mr. Vampire Saga IV Blu-ray (1988) 殭屍叔叔 (Region A) (English Subtitled) Remastered 經典復刻版 aka Mr. Vampire 4

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Mr. Vampire Saga IV Blu-ray (1988) 殭屍叔叔 (Region A) (English Subtitled) Remastered 經典復刻版 aka Mr. Vampire 4

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Anthony Chan 陳友
Wu Ma 午馬
Chin Ka Lok 錢嘉樂
Loretta Lee 李麗珍
Chung Fat 鍾發
Yuen Wah 元華

Ricky Lau 劉觀偉

Sammo Hung 洪金寶
Chan Pui Wah 陳佩華

Action Directors:  
Sammo's Stuntmen Association

Audio Tracks: 

PCM 2.0


Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
94 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
15 March 2019

The Buddhist Monk and the Taoist Priest, both blessed with ghost-taming powers, have been quarrelling all over the landscape. Still, they are good friends. The Priest shepherds a group of corpses home. He has to fight off some vicious devils. The Priest's classmate has been assigned the job of accompanying the coffin of a prince back to the capital. One night, a thunderbolt rips the coffin and the prince becomes a vampire. He kills many people. The Priest asks to help. He finds his classmate has killed himself. Before the Priest reaches home, Chia-lo, the Priest's student, is attacked by the princeis attacked by the prince. Chia-lo is rescued by the Priest and the Monk. But when the vampire prince pounces with murderous intensions, the vampire-fighters have to give their last bit of effort and wisdom to save themselves.

和尚(午馬 飾)和道士(陳友 飾)在山上比鄰而居。和尚隨和開朗,他的女徒弟菁菁(李麗珍 飾)玲瓏可愛;道士古板嚴肅,而徒弟嘉樂(錢嘉樂 飾)鬼馬頑皮。兩對歡喜冤家搞笑連連,大放笑彈。某天,一個邊疆皇族中屍毒死去,變成殭屍。途中暴雨連 連,棺木不幸被雷劈開,殭屍破棺而出,大開殺戒……

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Mr. Vampire Saga IV Blu-ray (1988) 殭屍叔叔 (Region A) (English Subtitled) Remastered 經典復刻版 aka Mr. Vampire 4

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