The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbye (2022) 通往夏天的隧道,再見的出口 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Digital Remastered 數碼修復版 Japanese Animation aka Natsu e no Tonneru, Sayonara no Deguchi

$41.99 USD

The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbye (2022) 通往夏天的隧道,再見的出口 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Digital Remastered 數碼修復版 Japanese Animation aka Natsu e no Tonneru, Sayonara no Deguchi

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Tomohisa Taguchi

Audio Tracks: 

TrueHD 5.1 Upsampling



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
83 minutes

Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
31 Aug 2023

The Urashima Tunnel grants a wish to those who enter... with a price.

Kaoru Tono appears elusive but has a heavy heart rooted in a traumatic accident in the past. Anzu Hanashiro seems stronghearted but suffers from the gap between her ideal self and reality. The two team up as allies to investigate the mysterious tunnel in order to get what they want. It is an unforgettable, nostalgic story that sweeps past a summer in the countryside.

《數碼暴龍LAST EVOLUTION 絆》導演聯同《SPY X FAMILY》製作團隊,浪漫動畫化日本小學館輕小說大賞得獎作品!你願意以6年青春,換來跟最愛再見一面嗎?神秘的「浦島隧道」一直是小鎮中最不可思議的禁地,傳說只要進入隧道就能得到任何想要的東西,但卻要換來極大的代價…男主角塔野薰(鈴鹿央士 配音)在妹妹意外離世後一直鬱鬱寡歡,與為著生活苦惱的轉校生花城杏子(飯豐萬理江 配音),攜手調查隱藏在隧道內的秘密,並實現彼此的希望,而與之交換的卻仍是個謎。然而,充滿未知的夏天即將開始……

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • The Tunnel to Summer, The Exit of Goodbye (2022) 通往夏天的隧道,再見的出口 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Digital Remastered 數碼修復版 Japanese Animation aka Natsu e no Tonneru, Sayonara no Deguchi

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