Our Time Will Come 明月幾時有 Blu-ray (2017) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Our Time Will Come 明月幾時有 Blu-ray (2017) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Zhou Xun 周迅
Eddie Peng 彭于晏
Wallace Huo 霍建華
Deanie Ip 葉德嫻
Guo Tao 郭濤
Masatoshi Nagase 永瀨正敏
Paw Hee Ching 鮑起靜
Huang Zhizhong 黃志忠
Jiang Wenli 蔣雯麗
Tony Leung Ka Fai 梁家輝

Ann Hui 許鞍華

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Surround 7.1


Original Soundtrack (mainly in Mandarin 國語)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
29 Sept 2017

1941. Hong Kong is occupied by Japanese forces. During the three-year-and-eight-month occupation, the Japanese military pillaged and arrested cultural figures living in Hong Kong. The Dongjiang Guerilla unit was tasked with rescuing these cultural figures and extracting them from the besieged city. The occupation transformed Hong Kong from a prosperous city into a barren land with no food or water. Primary school teacher, Lan (Zhou Xun) – recently separated from her lover, Rong (Wallace Huo) - and her mother (Deanie Ip) are trying to survive this difficult period in their small run-down flat. After the schools are shut down, Lan unwittingly finds herself embroiled in the guerillas’ mission to save novelist Mao Dun. In the process, she meets Hei-zai (Eddie Peng), the daring captain of the guerillas. Taking notice of Lan’s calm, resourceful nature, Hei-zai recruits her to join the guerillas. Lan sets up a secret liaison point for the guerillas in the city, stealthily delivering intelligence under the watchful eyes of the Japanese military. Worried for her daughter’s safety, Lan’s mother volunteers to take Lan’s place, only to be arrested by the Japanese. To save her mother, Lan is forced to turn to Rong, who now works for the Japanese…

1941年末,香港淪陷。 三年零八個月內,日軍瘋狂搶掠並搜捕滯留在港的文化人。抗日組織東江游 擊隊接到上級指示,緊急營救文化人衝破日軍封鎖追捕,撤離香港。 淪陷期間,以往富裕的香港頓變成無糧無水的空城。小學教師方蘭(周迅 飾)與母親居於灣仔一棟小樓艱難度日。學校停課,剛與戀人李錦榮(霍建華 飾)分手的方蘭意外捲入營救作家茅盾的行動,並認識了大膽多計、槍法如神的游擊隊短槍隊隊長劉黑仔(彭于晏 飾)。劉黑仔賞識她沉著機敏,決意招攬她 加入游擊隊。 方蘭為游擊隊建立市區秘密聯絡站,在日軍嚴密封鎖下,冒險傳送重要情報 、解救被捕志士。方蘭母親知道女兒在游擊隊工作後非常擔心,為使女兒少一分危險,甘願代送情報,終不幸被捕。為救母親,方蘭迫不得已求助已轉 投日本憲兵的舊情人李錦榮……

movie trailer (English subtitled)

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  • Our Time Will Come 明月幾時有 Blu-ray (2017) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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