Character (2021) 漫畫殺人狂 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie

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Character (2021) 漫畫殺人狂 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Masaki Suda
Mitsuki Takahata
Shido Nakamura
Shun Oguri
Akiyoshi Nakao
Yoji Matsuda
Tomu Miyazaki
Takashi Okabe
Jun Hashizume

Akira Nagai

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround, DTS 5.1 Surround



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
28 Apr 2023

Reality and fiction clash in demented ways in this serial killer thriller by award-winning advertisement director Akira Nagai. Reuniting with Nagai after his maniacally fun performance in Teiichi: Battle of Supreme High, Japanese cinema’s “It Boy”, Masaki Suda, reveals his dark side as Keigo, a talented illustrator who is way too nice to write a villain in his comics. After witnessing the death of a family at the hands of a terrifying murderer, Keigo draws the murderer into his comic 34 and ends up creating a runaway hit. Co-starring Shun Oguri as a police detective chasing the serial killer, Character is a hair-raising chiller packed with unpredictable twists.

立志要成為漫畫家的山城(菅田將暉 飾),一直找不到邪惡主角的靈感,只能當漫畫家助理過活。一日外出素描時,誤打誤撞闖進一個美滿家庭的公寓,意外目睹兇徒兩角(Fukase 飾)屠殺一家四口的過程。回家後,他決定把魔鬼殺人犯化身成自創漫畫《34》的男主角,更因此一炮而紅!但他漸漸發現《34》中的情節竟與現實中多宗冷血命案離奇同步,智勇雙全的刑警清田俊介(小栗旬 飾)亦被捲入「二次元」兇案現場,誓要將連環殺人犯緝拿歸案。到底漫畫情節是殺人預告,還是危險育成計劃?山城及兩角看似平行又交纏的命運,最後又會否以血告終?《你的名字》監製及《當這地球沒有貓》導演聯手,加上《20世紀少年》編劇構思長達十年的原創劇本共創又一驚駭犯罪神作!

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  • Character (2021) 漫畫殺人狂 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie

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