Nights Of A Shemale A Mad Man Trilogy 1/3 Blu-ray (2020) 人妖阿發: 痴人三部曲1/3 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

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Nights Of A Shemale A Mad Man Trilogy 1/3 Blu-ray (2020) 人妖阿發: 痴人三部曲1/3 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region Free

Sheung Lam 林上
Koyi Mak 麥芷誼
Jane Wong 王貝兒
Ernesto DE SOUSA
Jill Yeung 楊昕

Dennis Law 羅守耀

Audio Tracks: 
Dolby TrueHD upsampling, 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1


Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in Cantonese 主要粵語, part-of Thai and English)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
101 minutes

Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
24 April 2020

And when he realizes he is in too deep to redeem himself...
...all hell breaks loose.

Ah Fat, a lonely man arrives in a strange country, escaping from his past and seeking salvation. Living in a constant state of psychological turmoil, redemption was never quite in reach. Making friends with Miumiu, a coworker who is a gogo girl and a male gigolo Pumpkin turns Ah Fat's life around; he finds a strange, unique sort of happiness in friendship that had evaded him for a long time. Then comes a turn of events that changes everything; Ah Fat will have to choose between saving his friends by killing the evil shop owner,and standing idly by. This is the final straw; Ah Fat is pushed to the brink, all hell breaks loose...

香港男人阿發獨自跑到異鄉。為的就 是要逃避那不能面對的過去,為了救 贖阿發放棄自尊當上人妖。可惜無論 他多麼努力,似乎唯一不能原諒他自 己的就是他!跟舞娘阿妙及脫衣舞男 阿瓜做朋友,這種友情讓阿發得到一 種非常另類的快樂。一件突然其來的 變故要阿發作出一個極端的抉擇! 究 竟阿發會選擇刺殺那害人的店主夫 婦、還是袖手旁觀看著阿瓜及阿妙受 苦。在阿發這孤獨的尋死路上似乎只 有殺戮伴隨。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Nights Of A Shemale A Mad Man Trilogy 1/3 Blu-ray (2020) 人妖阿發: 痴人三部曲1/3 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)
  • Nights Of A Shemale A Mad Man Trilogy 1/3 Blu-ray (2020) 人妖阿發: 痴人三部曲1/3 (Region Free) (English Subtitled)

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