Ten Years Taiwan 十年台灣 (2018) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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Ten Years Taiwan 十年台灣 (2018) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Alina Tsai 蔡星瑀
Karolyn Kieke 柯念萱
Lu Dong-yang 呂東洋
Li Wen-he 李文和
Mike Wang 王琮威

Lekal Sumi 勒嘎. 舒米
Rina B. Tsou 鄒隆娜
Lu Po-shun 呂柏勳

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital EX


Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in Mandarin 主要國語, part-of Taiwanese and English 部份台語及英語)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
17 May 2019

What will our lives be like 10 years from now? Five up and coming Taiwanese directors each offer their own take in answering this question. In 2028, Taiwan is suffering from nuclear waste (“The Can of Anido”), migrant workers (“942”), industrial collapse (“Way Home”), low birth rates and diversity in families (“A Making-Of”), and insomnia (“The Sleep”). These destructive issues are the results of our present day. One man’s old wounds return as environmental pollution disrupts societal relationships, blowing back as an attack on mankind. The film asks, how did things get this bad? And it asks once more, are these problems exclusive to Taiwan ten years from now? Of the five films, only “A Making Of” has a happy ending. The film is a part of the “10 Years” series being made throughout Asia. It began in 2015 in Hong Kong, and was followed by Ten Years Japan, Ten Years Thailand, and now, Ten Years Taiwan. Each director predicts a different “Taiwan in Ten Years”, but every one of them is a summons for us in the present day.

《十年台灣》(Ten Years Taiwan) 是「十年國際計劃」的作品之一,由五位台灣新晉導演──勒嘎.舒米、鄒隆娜、呂柏勳、謝沛如、廖克發執導,將問題聚焦在環境以及文化方面,投射出他們眼中台灣的未來。從原住民勒嘎.舒米執導的《惡靈罐頭》中的蘭嶼核廢料集合場、台菲混血鄒隆娜執導的《942》中外籍勞工遭遇到的困境、呂柏勳執導的《路半》中主角掙扎於城市與家鄉的去留、謝沛如執導的《蝦餃》中的理想家庭形象、馬來西亞僑生廖克發執導的《睏眠》中的失眠等主題出發,觸及反核、外勞不平等待遇、城鄉差距、少子化等社會議題,呈現出多元的視角。同時,五部短片亦分別以原住民語、台語、國語和英語拍攝,展現對台灣多元的社群和對他們的關懷。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Ten Years Taiwan 十年台灣 (2018) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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