Vietnamese Horror Story (2022) 鬼咒 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Vietnamese movie aka Chuyen Ma Gan Nhà

$28.99 USD

Vietnamese Horror Story (2022) 鬼咒 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Vietnamese movie aka Chuyen Ma Gan Nhà

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Thanh Truc Huynh
Lê Bê La

Can Mac
Ngoc Hiep Nguye
Kha Nhu
Tran Phong
Xuan Phuc
Trinh Tai

Tran Huu Tan

Audio Tracks: 

DTS Digital Surround ES / Dolby Digital EX


English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
108 minutes

Universe Digital Entertainment Limited (HK) 寰宇數碼娛樂有限公司

Release Date:
29 Sept 2022

Sets the highest ticket presales record in Vietnam film industry, and achieves the biggest opening weekend in 2022, this incredible movie is the first movie in the Vietnamese horror cinematic universe to be inspired by urban legends and ghost stories rumored in folklore. The 3 interwoven stories unfold the terrifying Vietnamese urban legends revolving around an ill-fated superstar behind the iconic sugarcane lady poster, a has-been circus magician worshipping the devil, and a sinister spirit trapped in an old battlefield."

2022 越南電影開畫冠軍,創下越南史上門票預售最高紀錄,首 4 天票房高達 1800 萬港元


人氣蔗汁海報女郎突然消聲匿跡,帶出女明星風光背後的悲慘命運;過氣馬戲團魔術師,破例替 孩子變魔術後,開始遇見各種離奇現象;通靈女子受託尋找亡者遺骸,卻反被厲魂糾纏 ... 時至今日,恐怖民間傳說仍然廣泛流傳,一不小心冒犯神秘力量,隨時招來不速之客

當中,電影海報上出現的「甘蔗汁女郎」是越南、柬埔寨一帶眾所週知的人物,幾乎每一輛賣蔗汁的小販車上常常都會有一個一頭飄逸長髮、有點令人不寒而慄的女孩頭像,每個頭像的圖畫可能不一樣,但當地人都稱她為「美婭小姐」 ( 。關於美婭小姐的由來眾說紛紜,但坊間的說法都是圍繞一個女生悲慘故事 亦成為了電影《鬼咒》的

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Vietnamese Horror Story (2022) 鬼咒 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Vietnamese movie aka Chuyen Ma Gan Nhà

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