Tomorrow 自己地球自己救 DVD (Region 3) (Hong Kong Version) aka Demain

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Tomorrow 自己地球自己救 DVD (Region 3) (Hong Kong Version) aka Demain

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Cyril Dion
Mélanie Laurent

Audio Tracks: 

DTS 5.1 Surround

Original Soundtrack

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

various production companies (2015)

Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
9 Feb 2017

With humanity threatened by the collapse of ecosystems, journalist and NGO director Cyril Dion and actor and filmmaker Mélanie Laurent head out across the world, with a small film crew, in search of a solution that can save their children. Based on the most successful experiments in all sectors (agriculture, energy, housing, economics, education…) they are going to attempt to write a new story about what could happen in the future. Only by elaborating this vision will enough of the planet’s inhabitants be enlisted to build a new society; just like what the dream of “progress” inspired in the 20th century. 

《非常盜》《希魔撞正殺人狂》女星瑪麗蓮洛倫今次做地球鬥士拯救世界﹗懷孕期間,瑪麗蓮得悉孩子將來生活的地球將面臨缺水、缺油、缺食物等刻不容緩的問題。於是她與一班有共同承擔的電影人,一同走遍世界各地,全方位追蹤食物、能源、交通、政制、金融、教育、環保等各種有趣又可行的絕世好橋— 英國城市發行自己鈔票振興本土經濟、全球第一的芬蘭教育既沒考試也沒評估、法國實施綠色節約政策後20年竟賺了6百萬美元等等﹗地球等到十年,等不到百年,這班有心人身體力行,從社區出發,合力寫下新故事,告訴我們為時未晚,自己地球自己救﹗本片榮獲法國凱撒獎『最佳紀錄片』。

trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Tomorrow 自己地球自己救 DVD (Region 3) (Hong Kong Version) aka Demain

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