Sakura Guardian in the North 北の櫻守 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Kita no Sakuramori / 北之櫻守

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Sakura Guardian in the North 北の櫻守 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Kita no Sakuramori / 北之櫻守

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Sayuri Yoshinaga
Masato Sakai
Ryoko Shinohara
Hiroshi Abe
Koichi Sato
Ittoku Kishibe
Masatoshi Nakamura
Reiko Takashima
Tsurube Shofukutei
Toshiyuki Nagashima

Yojiro Takita 

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
12 July 2019

In the spring of 1945, cherry blossoms flower in southern Sakhalin. For Tetsu Ezure and her sons, they symbolize hope. But the following August, the Soviet Union invades and they flee from Sakhalin. Barely managing to make it across the strait to Hokkaido, they make their way down the coast to Abashiri. Awaiting the battered family there is a life so harsh as to strain the imagination: cold and hunger through which they must struggle to survive. The younger son, Shujiro, now grown, returns from America. He returns to Abashiri for the first time in 15 years to find his older brother gone and his elderly mother living alone in poverty, still waiting for her husband to return. Shujiro decides to take her home and care for her. Tetsu, however, disappears, not wishing to cause problems for her successful son. Shujiro, in an effort to reach out, decides to accompany her, and the two set out around the vast plains of Hokkaido on a journey into the past. The journey, however, opens the door to some long-buried memories.

故事簡介 第二次世界大戰持續的1945年,位於樺太的江蓮家花園裡,江蓮德次郎(阿部寬 飾)將種子從日本本土帶回來,由妻子江蓮綴(吉永小百合 飾)一直用心照料的櫻花樹盛開了。戰火燃起,丈夫出征,綴為了堅守與家人一起賞櫻的承諾,毅然帶着兒子逃難到北海道艱難生存。綴的次子修二郎(堺雅人 飾)長大後帶着妻子真理(篠原涼子 飾)由美國回到札幌籌備開鋪,亦藉機到網走探望多年未見的獨居母親,決定帶綴回家同住。但綴發現本為修二郎著想所做的一切都成了他的絆腳石,十分自責。為了不再成為兒子的負累,綴悄悄離開。修二郎不忍阻止,決定伴隨母親踏上追憶的旅程。二人遊走於充滿回憶之地,逐漸回想起與家人的記憶。到達旅程的終站,面對將樺太相隔到彼岸的海洋,等待二人的,竟是意想不到的結局……

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Sakura Guardian in the North 北の櫻守 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Kita no Sakuramori / 北之櫻守

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