Graduation 畢作虧心事 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Romanian movie aka Bacalaureat

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Graduation 畢作虧心事 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Romanian movie aka Bacalaureat
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Adrian Titieni
Maria-Victoria Dragus
Lia Bugnar
Malina Manovici
Vlad Ivanov
Rares Andrici

Cristian Mungiu

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1 EX Surround



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)


Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
20 Oct 2017

Romeo Aldea (49), a physician living in a small mountain town in Transylvania, has raised his daughter Eliza with the idea that once she turns 18, she will leave to study and live abroad. His plan is close to succeeding -Eliza has won a scholarship to study psychology in the UK. She just has to pass her final exams – a formality for such a good student. On the day before her first written exam, Eliza is assaulted in an attack that could jeopardize her entire future. Now Romeo has to make a decision. There are ways of solving the situation, but none of them using the principles he, as a father, has taught his daughter. Best Director, Cannes Film Festival.

考試如人生戰場,只許勝不許敗?住在羅馬尼亞小鎮的麗莎,背負著醫生父親的厚望,自小接受最頂級的教育,她亦品學兼優,只差一步就能獲取獎學金到英國讀大學。詎料考試前夕,麗莎在學校附近慘遭侵犯,大好前程幾乎毀於一旦。正直不阿的父親從不貪圖金權利誘,現在卻面對兩難抉擇:讓負傷的麗莎憑實力應試?還是放棄做人原則,靠關係走捷徑幫女兒作弊?為了女兒,父親決定搏一鋪… 康城「金棕櫚獎」導演《4月3週2日 - 墮胎日記》基里斯汀穆基最新作品,以父女題材,揭示貪污社會利益勾結、兩代溝通隔膜、及人生所不能承受的妥協與無助。本片榮獲康城影展『最佳導演』大獎。

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

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  • Graduation 畢作虧心事 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Romanian movie aka Bacalaureat

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