Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light (2019) 我和父親的 Final Fantasy XIV 劇場版 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Dad of Light The Movie / Final Fantasy XIV: Father of Light

$29.99 USD

Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light (2019) 我和父親的 Final Fantasy XIV 劇場版 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Dad of Light The Movie / Final Fantasy XIV: Father of Light

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Kentaro Sakaguchi
Kotaro Yoshida
Yui Sakuma
Maika Yamamoto
Ryuta Sato

Teruo Noguchi

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
116 minutes

Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
19 Dec 2019

The all-too familiar awkwardness between parents and children. If only we could talk openly with each other, say what’s really on our minds... We all wish for the same thing. One young man acted on his wish to rekindle his bond with his father with an extremely unique plan!! He chronicled his endeavors on a blog, which quickly gained popularity and exceeded 10 million visits, and his final article was even featured on Yahoo! News. Supported by avid fans, the blog that went viral on SNS leapt out of the Internet and was made into a book and a TV drama. Now the heartwarming story inspired by real-life events has been adapted into a movie starring Kentaro Sakaguchi and Kotaro Yoshida, two of Japan’s favorite actors today!!

A workaholic father suddenly quit his job. His wife and daughter watch him from afar as he stares blankly at the TV all day long. Akio, driven by his wish to know what’s going on in his father’s mind, comes up with a plan. He decides to invite him to the online world of FINAL FANTASY, which they used to play together when he was a little boy. There, while remaining an anonymous avatar, he and his dad would go on adventures together. Akio proceeds with his plan with help from his online friends whose real faces and names he knows nothing about. However, Akio has no idea that his dad has a secret, something he has kept all to himself—

感動全日本機迷,真人真事改編,殿堂級遊戲系列《FINAL FANTASY》首度跳入真人電影舞台! 工作狂老豆岩田曉(吉田鋼太郎 飾)含蓄寡言,為養家日夜勞碌,冷落兒子光生(坂口健太郎 飾)。缺乏父 親關懷的光生,記憶中唯一一次同對方真正交流,就是童年某夜兩人一齊玩電視遊戲《FINAL FANTASY III》。 某日,曉無緣無故突然辭職退休,家人為此大感困惑。為找出背後原因兼重修舊好,光生決定啟動「光之 父親」計劃!他先推薦老豆玩多人網絡RPG遊戲《FINAL FANTASY XIV》,再在遊戲中以神秘女玩家Maidy 的身份結伴,把對方訓練成高手,帶他和一班網絡玩家過關斬將!迷上遊戲的曉逐漸開懷,更與光生組隊 打終極大佬,並吐露埋藏心底的秘密…

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light (2019) 我和父親的 Final Fantasy XIV 劇場版 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Dad of Light The Movie / Final Fantasy XIV: Father of Light
  • Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of Light (2019) 我和父親的 Final Fantasy XIV 劇場版 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Dad of Light The Movie / Final Fantasy XIV: Father of Light

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