52Hz, I Love You (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) aka 52赫茲, 我愛你

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52Hz, I Love You (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) aka 52赫茲, 我愛你

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Lin Zhongyu 林忠諭
Chuang Chuanying 莊鵑瑛
Suming Rupi 舒米恩
Mify Chen 陳玫希

Wei Te Sheng 魏德聖

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital5.1, DTS 5.1


Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
110 minutes

Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
1 Aug 2017

Just like the loneliest whale in the world which keeps singing at 52 Hertz, lonely people are keen to find one another with the same frequency. On Valentine's day, Xiao Sin 's job was to deliver love messages for other people, did not manage to find her own ture love. Xiao An made sweet candies for other couples, failed to show his love to the girl whom he admired for long. Lei Lei held successful events for couples, could not put her own wedding on schedule. Da He wrote a love song, won a contest, could not impress his girlfriend with music. In the movie, we will find different frequencies of people, and loads of great songs for storytelling, and we will see how they strive for a happy ending.

就像鯨魚發出的52Hz,人與人之間的溝通, 也有很多頻率。

情人節當日,對愛情步步為營的小心(棉花糖 主唱小球飾),不斷為人送上祝福,自己卻 一宜未找到幸福;只敢去苦戀別人的小安(宇 宙人主唱小玉飾),為眾情侶製作甜蜜回 憶,自己就只擁有單戀的思憶;擅長把活動 辦得有聲有色的蕾蕾(小男孩主唱米非飾), 自己的婚期卻一直無聲無息;創作過無數情 歌的游大河(圖騰主唱舒米恩飾),能否以一 曲打動女友芳心戴上戒指?浪漫看似是年輕 人專利,年長的花店阿姨(趙永華飾)與朱古 力店老闆(林慶台飾),竟在同一日找到愛的 權利。

《52Hz, I Love You》發放的頻率有孤單、 暗戀、苦悶、期待、怕受傷。戲中借大量歌 曲去呼喚觀眾的共鳴,且聽聽導演魏德聖和 填詞人云農,如何由孤單的一天開始,發展 至幸福的終點。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • 52Hz, I Love You (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) aka 52赫茲, 我愛你

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