PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Danny Lee 李修賢
Nick Cheung 張家輝
Jacqueline Ng 吳雪雯
Lam King Kong 林敬剛
Raphael Wong 黃柏文
Wu Ma 午馬
Shing Fui On 成奎安
Andrew Lau 劉偉強
Danny Lee 李修賢
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
94 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
3 July 2020
Fai (Nick Cheung) is a kind-hearted youngster and also the leader of his friends. Once they go to Thailand for car-racing and Fai meets a girl named Suet (Ng Suet Man) there. The two fall in love with each other. Suet is a new singer and is harassed by a gangster, Twelve when she sings in a lounge, Fai helps Suet to escape from Twelve and this makes Twelve take revenge on Fai. Fai's uncle, Cheung (Danny Lee), is an upright policeman and tries to fight against Twelve. Unfortunately, Cheung falls into the trap of Twelve and is thus seriously injured. Consequently, Fai decides to avenge on Twelve and...
家輝(張家輝 飾)是一善良果敢、有領導才華的青年,與一群好友KK、肥魔、ET及飛仔熱愛賽車。五人更相約結伴往泰國賽車,雖然比賽落敗,但輝邂逅一少女阿雪(吳雪雯 飾)。回港後,二人愛火隨即燃起。阿雪為新進女歌手,在一酒廊客串時,被惡少金十二纏擾。阿雪雖多番躲避,但仍然逃不過他的魔掌。家輝當然不能袖手旁觀,與十二發生衝突。十二含恨在心,指使手下偷襲家輝、KK等,此事驚動了家輝叔父張鐵柱(李修賢 飾)。他嫉惡如仇,視家輝如己出,故此責怪家輝行事魯莽之餘,另逼使十二停手……
Danny Lee 李修賢
Nick Cheung 張家輝
Jacqueline Ng 吳雪雯
Lam King Kong 林敬剛
Raphael Wong 黃柏文
Wu Ma 午馬
Shing Fui On 成奎安
Andrew Lau 劉偉強
Danny Lee 李修賢
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
94 minutes
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
3 July 2020
Fai (Nick Cheung) is a kind-hearted youngster and also the leader of his friends. Once they go to Thailand for car-racing and Fai meets a girl named Suet (Ng Suet Man) there. The two fall in love with each other. Suet is a new singer and is harassed by a gangster, Twelve when she sings in a lounge, Fai helps Suet to escape from Twelve and this makes Twelve take revenge on Fai. Fai's uncle, Cheung (Danny Lee), is an upright policeman and tries to fight against Twelve. Unfortunately, Cheung falls into the trap of Twelve and is thus seriously injured. Consequently, Fai decides to avenge on Twelve and...
家輝(張家輝 飾)是一善良果敢、有領導才華的青年,與一群好友KK、肥魔、ET及飛仔熱愛賽車。五人更相約結伴往泰國賽車,雖然比賽落敗,但輝邂逅一少女阿雪(吳雪雯 飾)。回港後,二人愛火隨即燃起。阿雪為新進女歌手,在一酒廊客串時,被惡少金十二纏擾。阿雪雖多番躲避,但仍然逃不過他的魔掌。家輝當然不能袖手旁觀,與十二發生衝突。十二含恨在心,指使手下偷襲家輝、KK等,此事驚動了家輝叔父張鐵柱(李修賢 飾)。他嫉惡如仇,視家輝如己出,故此責怪家輝行事魯莽之餘,另逼使十二停手……