Arizona Dream Blu-Ray (1993) 亞利桑那之夢 (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

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Arizona Dream Blu-Ray (1993) 亞利桑那之夢 (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Johnny Depp
Jerry Lewis
Faye Dunaway
Lili Taylor
Vincent Gallo
Paulina Porizkova

Emir Kusturica

Audio Tracks:

PCM 2.0


English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
13 April 2018


Director Emir Kusturica and screenwriter David Atkins crafted this absurdist comedy in which Johnny Depp plays Axel Blackmer, who lives in New York State and is obsessed with fish. He tags fish and monitors their habits for a living, but his greatest curiosity is when and how they dream. Axel's uncle, Leo Sweetie (Jerry Lewis) would prefer Axel take over the family business, a Cadillac dealership in Tucson, Arizona; against his better judgment, Axel drives from New York to Arizona to check out the lot and attend Leo's wedding to Millie (Paulina Porizkova), a woman who is hoping that marriage will keep her from crying all the time. While watching the Cadillacs, Leo meets Elaine Stalker (Faye Dunaway), the sexy widow of a wealthy mine owner, and the two strike up a romance, while Elaine's daughter Grace (Lili Taylor) wanders through her mother's home playing "Besame Mucho" on the accordion to her pet turtles.

在紐約生活的艾索(尊尼特普 飾)常常夢見愛斯基摩人,在冰屋外釣出會飛的比目魚;表哥保羅整天發明星夢,電影對白倒背如流;舅父里奧半生夢想自己所賣的車疊起來可以讓他爬上月球。一晚,保羅強行把艾索扯到亞利桑那小鎮參加里奧的婚禮。他在那裡遇上一對也愛發白日夢的豔麗母女—媽媽綺蓮(菲丹娜惠 飾)憧憬飛往天上;女兒嘉莉斯(莉 莉泰萊 飾)嚮往自殺下世輪迴變做烏龜。 艾索對綺蓮一見鍾情,為她日夜製造飛行機器。二人無視保羅和里奧的阻撓,墮入一段瘋狂忘年戀。本已和母親不和的嘉莉因妒成恨,對艾索的飛行器大肆破壞,二人因而大打出手。豈料,艾索逐漸從激情的暈眩中醒來,驀然驚覺嘉莉斯方是夢中人。可是,這五個人亦終於發現自己幼稚的夢想和殘酷的現實根本格格不入,由幻夢轉而陷入無以名狀的絕 望……

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Arizona Dream Blu-Ray (1993) 亞利桑那之夢 (Region A) (Hong Kong Version)

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