PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region Free
John Travolta
Uma Thurman
Danny DeVito
Vince Vaughan
Harvey Keitel
F. Gary Gray
Audio Tracks:
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
DTS 5.1 (German, Italian, French, Russian)
Dolby Digital 2.0 (Portuguese, Spanish)
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Korean, Spanish, Thai, German, Portuguese, Italian , Finnish, Swedish, Dutch
Running Time:
119 minutes
20th Century Fox / Intercontinental Video Limited
Release Date:
21 Apr 2011
Starring an unbelievably hip all-star cast including John Travolta, Uma Thurman, Andre 3000, Steven Tyler and The Rock, and bursting with the hottest music in the biz, Be Cool is the wildly hilarious tale about a gangster-turned-music mogul... and what it takes to be number one with a bullet.
When Chili Palmer (Travolta) decides to try his hand in the music industry, he romances the sultry widow (Thurman) of a recently whacked music exec, poaches a hot young singer (Christina Milian) from a rival manager and discovers that the record industry is packing a whole lot more than a tune!
黑道中人辣椒鵬對電影業感到意興闌珊,正打算重操故業。好友被假髮俄羅斯幫槍殺令鵬接管了他的唱片公司,鵬決定聯同性感的名唱片製作人艾蒂,全力進軍音樂界。為了羅致極具潛質的新人蓮娜,他不惜與業界的一眾惡勢力為敵。他們個個人強馬壯,火力強橫兼且殺人當飯食,即使辣椒鵬有勇有謀,呢次卻係頭痕兼棘手。除了型人拍擋尊特拉華達及奧瑪花曼外,還有丹尼狄維圖、動作猛男The Rock、雲斯漢及樂壇猛人OutKast成員Andre Benjamin、Christina Milian、Aerosmith主音Steven Tyler等紅星助陣。