Bio Raiders 生化藥屍 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) aka 天師救僵

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Bio Raiders 生化藥屍 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) aka 天師救僵

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Chin Siu Ho 錢小豪
Richard Ng 吳耀漢
Billy Lau Nam Kwong 樓南光
Virginia Hu 胡向真

Tommy Leung 梁嘉銘 (Ming 仔)

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital 2.0


Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
90 minutes

Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
1 Dec 2017

The great herbalist Mo Tianquan (starring Richard NG) has a daughter who had been suffering from incurable disease since little and could not get through her twentieth year. To save her life, Mo spent his life working on the Elixir. Unfortunately, there was one missing ingredient of The Life-sustaining Flower. Teacher Mo had to take the long shot to maintain his daughter life. Now Xin was saved, while her body failed to create blood. She then was turned into a monster needed to suck human blood regularly, and resulted in remained beauty. 20 years later, Herbalist Li (starring CHIN Siu Ho) comes back and finds out Teacher Mo hided all the truth for making Xin live her “normal life” and he even pretended to be the blood-sucking monster. Looking at his former love becoming a blood-sucking monster every full moon night, he feels hopeless. The Elixir keeps Xin alive and young forever, but it also makes her suffer as a zombie. If the herbalist could find the last ingredient for the Elixir? If Elixir really exists in the world just as there is no immortality?

藥王鎮名醫莫天師(吳耀漢飾) 為了醫 治身患絕症的愛女小欣,研製出神奇的 長生藥。雖使小欣長生不老,也將她變 成必須吸取人血維持生命的活殭屍。 二十年後,其弟子李藥師(錢小豪飾) 回來了這個小鎮。天師為了隱瞞真相, 自己裝成殭屍並背負起一切罪過。可惜 小欣已經徹底喪失神智,為了補充鮮 血,反將天師咬死。 藥師為救小欣,終找到長生藥的藥引 “續魂花”。可惜小欣的殭屍症治好的同 時,也就瞬間老死。原來此花功效奇 異,能重新啟動人體機能,將生命時鐘 重啟——人生有如花開花謝,長生不老 只是癡心妄想而已。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Bio Raiders 生化藥屍 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) aka 天師救僵

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