Boss Baby: A Family Business (2021) 波士BB 2: 細祖 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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Boss Baby: A Family Business (2021) 波士BB 2: 細祖 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)



Tom McGrath

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1


English, Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語, Korean

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕, Korean

Running Time: 
107 minutes

Universal Pictures / Intercontinental Video Ltd. (IVL) HK

Release Date:
19 Nov 2021

In the sequel to DreamWorks Animation’s Oscar®-nominated blockbuster comedy, the Templeton brothers—Tim (James Marsden) and his Boss Baby little bro Ted (Alec Baldwin)—have become adults and drifted away from each other. Tim is now a married stay-at-home dad. Ted is a hedge fund CEO. But a new boss baby with a cutting-edge approach and a can-do attitude is about to bring them together again … and inspire a new family business.

Tim and his wife, Carol (Eva Longoria), the breadwinner of the family, live in the suburbs with their super-smart 7-year-old daughter Tabitha (Ariana Greenblatt), and adorable new infant Tina (Amy Sedaris). Tabitha, who’s at the top her class at the prestigious Acorn Center for Advanced Childhood, idolizes her Uncle Ted and wants to become like him, but Tim, still in touch with his overactive youthful imagination, worries that she’s working too hard and is missing out on a normal childhood.

When baby Tina reveals that she’s—ta-da!—a top secret agent for BabyCorp on a mission to uncover the dark secrets behind Tabitha’s school and its mysterious founder, Dr. Erwin Armstrong (Jeff Goldblum), it will reunite the Templeton brothers in unexpected ways, lead them to re-evaluate the meaning of family and discover what truly matters.

2017夢工場《波士BB》熱潮席捲香港,狂收4,100萬港幣兼榮登年度動畫亞軍寶座,腦細成功話事,令全城爹哋媽咪淪陷式瘋魔!籌備四年,環球影業爆笑發行的續集大電影《波士BB 2細祖》(The Boss Baby: Family Business) 鬼馬回歸,baby由一變二,孖住抵死,雙倍好玩,徹底crazy!


movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

movie trailer (Cantonese dubbed)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Boss Baby: A Family Business (2021) 波士BB 2: 細祖 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)
  • Boss Baby: A Family Business (2021) 波士BB 2: 細祖 (Region 3 DVD) (Chinese Subtitled)

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