PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Simon Yam 任達華
Jordan Chan 陳小春
Philip Ng 伍允龍
Eddie Cheung 張兆輝
Kenny Wong 黃德斌
Lam Suet 林雪
Lau Siu Ming 劉兆銘
Waise Lee 李子雄
Oscar Leung 梁烈唯
Hazel Tang 唐紫睿
Kam Ka Wai 闞家偉
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
15 June 2018
Colour of the Game is the final chapter of Wong Jing’s Colour Trilogy. Gangster Wallace (Simon Yam) and his protégé Sky (Philip Ng) receive a call from one of the gang leaders, Slaughter (Lam Suet) cascading the fatwa from their boss, Dragon (Lau Siu Ming) to have Nigel’s (Waise Lee) only son Robert (Ye Xiangming) executed. Slaughter orders Wallace to complete the mission. Wallace then forms a superb team of six to hunt down Robert. However, no matter how well the team plans, Robert always manages to escape a step ahead, leaving traps for them to fall in. Wallace suspects a mole is working for Robert inside the team. On the other hand, the police start getting involved which suggests the existence of another inside man working for the police.
香港已經進入一個黑白不分的時代。 大華(任達華 飾)和手下高天(伍允龍 飾),收到他們所屬的幫派頭目「大雞包」(林雪 飾)的電話,原來社團中兩位老大之間起了矛盾。大佬九哥(李子雄 飾)的獨子羅拔(葉相明 飾)因醉酒將另一大佬龍叔(劉兆銘 飾)的少妻姦殺。龍叔怒火中燒 ,下江湖追殺令。大雞包要求大華組建自己的人馬,齊去完成任務。大華列出一個名單 ,由手下高天,飛車手女兒麗強(邱意濃 飾),炸藥專家叉燒(張兆輝 飾),搏擊高 手阿春(陳小春 飾),和近期極出位的超人(梁烈唯 飾)組成了六人超強陣容。 幾人重裝上陣,意外發現阿春的女友菲菲(桂晶晶 飾)被羅拔糾纏,遂順勢利用菲菲尋覓羅拔行蹤。但每次瞄準目標出擊,對手卻總先一步逃脫,並佈下天羅地網請君入甕 。大華開始懷疑團隊裡有羅拔的內鬼,此時警方也介入進來,似有另一名警方臥底在團 隊中裡應外合。 團隊人心惶惶,大家相互猜忌。大華逐漸明白,追捕羅拔只是一個幌子,背後似乎有人 在利用他們策劃更大的陰謀……
movie trailer (English subtitled)