PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒
Jung Yong-Hwa 鄭容和 (Korean K-pop Group CNBLUE)
Ge You 葛優
Michelle Wai 衛詩雅
Anthony Wong 黃秋生
Michelle Bai 白冰
Tang Yan 唐嫣
Raymond Yip 葉偉民
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Vicol Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
13 April 2017
An international culinary competition becomes a battleground between rival cooks, one famous for his Cantonese street food and the other a Michelin-starred chef trained in France. But their rivalry takes an unexpected turn when they discover a common foe and combine their skill in a fusion of East and West.
極具廚藝天分的順德小廚神高天賜(謝霆鋒 飾)和師傅「味王」洪七(葛優 飾)在春風里經營七記大牌檔,深受街坊歡迎。
小師妹海膽妹(唐嫣 飾)和飯團(杜海濤 飾)力薦七記參加電視台的美食節目「大廚有請」,勝出者可以到澳門參加國際美食擂台大賽「決戰食神」,但天賜對這虛銜不以為然。
另邊廂,來自歐洲的三星名廚安保羅(鄭容和 飾)和女友美優(白冰 飾),離開法國來到中國創業,跟大地產商利家聰(王太利 飾)合作, 銳意打造一個東方的美食品牌,而這高級餐廳「摘星名廚」正正就在七記對面開張,安保羅因而見識到高天賜的廚藝,二人數度交手後,都暗自佩服對方,更巧合是,「大廚有請」的決賽正是要二人交鋒。一場街坊廚神與星級大廚的決戰,由街頭火拼到上電視,公開決一勝負!
movie trailer (English subtitled)