Desire (2002) (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean movie

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Desire (2002) (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean movie

Region Coding: Region Free

Lee Dong Gu
An Tae Gun

Kim Eung Su

Audio Tracks: 
Dolby Digital 2.0



English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese

Running Time: 
86 minutes

Universe Laser (HK)

Release Date:
19 Jul 2003

Where 4 confusingly played roles, where fence within a triangular loving lands and engulfs. Where two pairs of bodies with no souls, where gathering round a table for a dinner of spirit consumption. Body languages of puzzled erotic desires, mystified scenes of complicated and simple basic instincts... A story of happenings or longed-to-be-happened, around us, inside our sub-conscious, where surprises never knock the door, but echo in one's mind...
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  • Desire (2002) (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) Korean movie

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