Don't Tell My Partner (1997) 偷情男女 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)

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Don't Tell My Partner (1997) 偷情男女 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region Free

Madoka Osawa 小澤圓
Jimmy Wong Shu Kei 王書麒
Raymond Cho 曹永廉
Rebecca Tong 唐德惠

Otto Chan 陳奧圖

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby Digital

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
91 minutes

Mei Ah Entertainment Ltd. (HK) 美亞娛樂

Release Date:


An advertising agency executive has always secretly wanted to marry the girl that he has been living with. When he finally does propose to her, she turns him down. Now, finding himself somewhat on the rebound, he aggressively pursues the new sexy woman at the office. he then strikes out again, as she has been scarred by love, with her greatest longing for men being revenge.

周華其 (王書麒飾) 乃城中優皮一族, 任職廣告公司導演, 年青有為, 有一志趣相投貌美之同居女友陳美惠 (唐德惠飾), 兩人同居五年後公司來了一位性感可人的新同事茜茜 (小澤圓飾), 其首次被惠以外的女子吸引, 在自命風流的好友大偉 (曹永廉飾) 鼓勵下追求茜茜與此同時, 大偉竟反樸歸真, 向一女子安安臣服, 偉卻因誤會安乃富商情婦而失去了安安, 其與茜終發生關係, 樂極忘形, 沾沾自喜享受齊人之福. 不料茜茜主動找惠, 爆出其不忠於惠的事實, 惠不怨茜, 反與她成為好友, 更憤然與其分手......

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  • Don't Tell My Partner (1997) 偷情男女 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)
  • Don't Tell My Partner (1997) 偷情男女 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled)

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