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Double Fixation 意亂情迷 Blu-ray (1987) (Region Free) (English Subtitled) Digitally Remastered 數碼修復
$34.99 USD
Region Coding: Region Free
Cherie Chung 鍾楚紅
Jacky Cheung 張學友
Pauline Wong 王小鳯
Pamela Pak 白韻琴
Meg Lam Kin Ming 林建明
David Wu 胡大為
Sandy Lam San San 林姍姍
Yonfan 楊凡
Audio Tracks:
DTS HD-MA, Dolby Digital
Cantonese 粵語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
96 minutes
Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
8 May 2018
Hitchcock meets High Camp in Yonfan's black comedy, DOUBLE FIXATION. IT is a mixture of mystery, murder, and mirth that is as much Brail as Vertigo. Asian audiences a quarter-century ago might not have been so "in" on the humor of a film so ahead of its time that DOUBLE FIXATION hasn't aged a bit in the intervening years. In one of his first major screen roles, music megastar Jacky CHEUNG plays a photographer madly in love with Cherie CHUNG - she's so breathtakingly gorgeous but she's far more complex than he realizes, disappearing and reappearing in San Francisco. An added attraction is that the scene was shot on the actual San Francisco street where Kim Novak tormented James Stewart in Vertigo. It all adds up to a unique '80s blend of Hong Kong and Hollywood, a stylistically Yonfan double fixation.
「你在想,我是個壞女人,想騙 你。」鍾楚紅對意亂情迷的張學友 這樣說。 《蝴蝶夢》作者寫My Cousin Rachel的個性加上金露華《迷魂 記》的橋段再配上英格麗褒曼《意 亂情迷》的片名,一看就知道楊凡 布是個希治閣超級影迷。但是他把 黑色及異色的camp加入這些經典 戲劇元素之後,拍成了一部三十年 前觀眾看不懂,至今仍然備受爭議 的影片,這樣是他對自己的一個莫 名的挑戰,或許三十年後還是一個 看頭。
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