God Of War 蕩寇風雲 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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God Of War 蕩寇風雲 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Vincent Zhao 趙文卓
Sammo Hung 洪金寶
Wan Qian 萬茜
Kurata Yasuaki 小出惠介
Ryu Kohata
Wu Yue 吳樾
Wang Ban 王斑
Timmy Hung 洪天明

Gordon Chan 陳嘉上

Audio Tracks: 

DTS, Dolby Digital 5.1


Mandarin 國語, Cantonese 粵語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
6 Sept 2017

During the 16th century, Japanese pirates proliferate along the Chinese coastline. In 1557, the pirates take over Cengang in Zhejiang. After months of futile advances, Commander Yu (Sammo Hung) finally defeats them under the leadership of newly promoted General Qi (Vincent Zhao). The pirates, however, manage to escape. No sooner has Qi identified the key weakness of the Chinese army than he starts remapping the coastal regions to eradicate the pirates. When he finds the villagers of Yiwu loyal and courageous, he drafts them into his own army which soon becomes a formidable force against the pirates, with tactics developed specifically against them. In 1561, the pirates regroup and once again attack the coastal cities of China. With both the cities of Xinhe and Taizhou under attack, Qi's army is caught between two fires.

Even though most family members of his soldiers are located in Xinhe, Qi makes the tough decision to go to Taizhou and leaves his wife in charge of the fight against the pirates in Xinhe, knowing that the defeat of the pirates’ elite team in Taizhou will bring long lasting peace to the coastal cities. But one month into the battle of Taizhou, there is still no clear winner and loser....

明朝,嘉靖年間,沿海倭寇(泛指當時的日本海盜)蜂起。嘉靖三十六年,浙江岑港被倭寇毛海峰佔據。抗倭名將俞大猷(洪金寶 飾)圍攻數月戰局仍然僵持,終於在新人戚繼光(趙文卓 飾)的指揮下,重振士氣,大破敵軍,但敵軍主力還是逃脫了追擊。

戚繼光爲了根絕倭寇之患,招募義烏縣縣民成立戚家軍。戚家軍根據倭寇的特點鑽研各種戰術,成為明軍抵抗倭寇的重要部隊。嘉靖四十年,倭寇集結重兵再次進犯沿海城市,新河與台州同時受到攻擊,戚家軍腹背受敵、決意兵分兩路解救。雖然戚家軍的家屬們大多留守新河,爲了國家大義戚繼光毅然領軍前去防守台州重鎮,而由戚夫人(萬茜 飾)則留守新河帶領官兵迎敵。沒想到戰事歷時近一個月,雙方陷入相持不下的局面……

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • God Of War 蕩寇風雲 (2017) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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