Her Fatal Ways Trilogy Blu-ray Boxset (1990-1992) 表姐, 妳好嘢! 三部曲 (Region A) (English Subtitled) 3 Movie Collection

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Her Fatal Ways Trilogy Blu-ray Boxset (1990-1992) 表姐, 妳好嘢! 三部曲 (Region A) (English Subtitled) 3 Movie Collection

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Carol Cheng (DoDo) 鄭裕玲
Tony Leung Ka Fai 梁家輝
Alfred Cheung 張堅庭
Lam Kau 林蛟
Waise Lee 李子雄
Jacqueline Ng 吳雪雯
Sheila Chan 陳淑蘭
Michael Chow 周文健
Anthony Wong 黃秋生
Chen Song Yong 陳松勇

Alfred Cheung 張堅庭

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Number of Discs:
3 Blu-rays

Running Time:  
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date: 
31 July 2020

Her Fatal Ways (1990) 表姐, 妳好嘢! 
Catch Do Do Cheng in her award winning performance as Cheng Shih Nan, a cadre member from China assigned to escort a drug dealer to Hong Kong with her assistant Sheng, played by director Alfred Cheung. When the drug dealer escapes, they solicit the help Hong Kong Police Inspector Wu Wei Kuo, played by award winning actor Tony Leung Ka Fai.

After a mysterious attempt on their lives, Wu takes the Mainland visitors home where they experience a major cultural shock as well as ideological clash with Wu’s father, who is former member of the Nationalist Party.

大陸女幹部鄭碩男(鄭裕玲 飾)及其助手阿勝(張堅庭 飾)奉命押解一名毒販到香港。香港總督察伍衛國(梁家輝 飾)則奉命接待,豈料毒販越押而去,鄭不得不協助捕回之。期間,鄭和勝離奇遇襲,伍只好將他們帶返家暫住,惟伍父(林蛟 飾)是國民黨舊部,對大陸任何事皆有成見,與鄭自然水火不容,雙方經常衝突,伍因而深感左右做人難。


Her Fatal Ways II (1991) 表姐, 妳好嘢! 續集:
Do Do Cheng reprises her role as the bumbling cadre Cheng Shih Nan in this sequel to the hit comedy 《Her Fatal Ways》.

After the success of her last mission in Hong Kong, she has been promoted to head the investigative bureau and train fellow police officers. Showing off the tricks she learnt from her last adventure, she sometimes makes a fool of herself.

When the sole witness to a murder investigation is ambushed, Cheng takes him in. With a man in her life for the first time, everything is turned upside down.

鄭碩男(鄭裕玲 飾)回國後,被擢升為偵緝科長,並與兩名助手阿勝(張堅庭 飾)及阿虎(周文健 飾)負責訓練公安隊員。訓練期間,鄭仍是一貫的自我作風,加上一些初學的零星英語,及間歇性失靈的異能,弄至笑話連篇。

一日,鄭接報賓館裡發生凶殺案前往調查時,巧遇伍父(林蛟 飾)。原來案中證人阿雄(李子雄 飾)為伍的姪兒,鄭遂要求雄合作捉拿兇手。後因雄遭伏擊,故被安排暫住鄭家,接受保護。鄭平淡的生活因雄這名陌生異性的闖入而泛起陣陣漣漪。


Her Fatal Ways III (1992) 表姐, 妳好嘢! 3之大人駕到:
On her third adventure out, Cheng Shih Nan (Do Do Cheng) and her assistant Sheng (Alfred Cheung) are assigned to Hong Kong to make security arrangements for a Central Committee member’s visit. When turbulence force their plane to make an unexpected stop in Taiwan, they destroy their credentials in order to keep their identities secret.

When they finally arrive in Hong Kong, they’re thrown into more hilarious mishaps as they clash with the Hong Kong inspector assigned to work with them.

鄭碩男(鄭裕玲 飾)與阿勝(張堅庭 飾)這兩位國內公安第三度被委派到香港,負責安排一名中央委員千里到港的保安工作。豈料兩人所乘航機在速中遇上氣流,被迫降台灣。兩人為了保密身份,不惜吞下所有證件,並在誤打誤撞下與調查他們身份的台灣幹探(陳松勇 飾)結成好友。

經過多番折騰後,鄭與勝終於到達香港;港府派遣了政治部的呂督察(黃秋生 飾)負責接待。鄭在與呂的合作中,因彼此文化背景的差異而產生了不少衝突,引致笑話連篇……

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Her Fatal Ways Trilogy Blu-ray Boxset (1990-1992) 表姐, 妳好嘢! 三部曲 (Region A) (English Subtitled) 3 Movie Collection

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