Hidden Man 邪不壓正 Blu-ray (2018) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Hidden Man 邪不壓正 Blu-ray (2018) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Eddie Peng 彭于晏
Liao Fan 廖凡
Zhou Yun 周韻
Xu Qing 許晴
Jiang Wen 姜文
Shi Hang 史航

Jiang Wen 姜文

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX


Original Soundtrack 電影原聲 (mainly in Mandarin 國語, part-of English & Japanese)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
12 April 2019

The pioneering force behind modern Chinese cinema returns after four years with the much anticipated third installment of his “Republican Era” trilogy. This time round, actor-director JIANG Wen focuses his lens on the city of Beijing, a city which holds a special place in his heart. Set in the 1930s on the cusp of the Sino-Japanese war, Peiping (as Beijing was known then) is still standing firm with its Imperial landmarks - clinging on to its former glory whilst jostling for its place in the modern world. JIANG Wen brings this city back to life, adhering to historical authenticity but illuminated by his own artistic and romantic imagination. On the roofs, separated from the chaos and scheming of the world below, there are majestic panoramas of the city never before seen on the big screen: a sea of undulating grey tiles interrupted by centuries old lush green trees. To this unique setting, our hero Li Tianran (Eddie Peng) returns set on finally avenging the massacre of his master’s family from 15 years previously. His enemies have since become the powerful deputy chief of police and head of Japanese spies in the city. Gifted in the way of the martial arts, he scours the city, scaling the walls and traversing the rooftops in search of the opportune moment to strike. Soon, he finds himself entangled in the tumultuous and complex power struggle of a Peiping that is swiftly descending into chaos and war. A pawn in a much larger game, he must overcome his own shackles of fear and doubt in order to come out the other side alive. Along the way, it is ultimately the encounter with a young seamstress that the hero finds his solace and healing. In true JIANG Wen style, nothing is as simple as it appears. It is the hard-hitting action of a Bruce Lee film coming together with the high romanticism of Casablanca sprinkled with the auteur’s acute sense of humor. This is a tale of revenge and love unlike any other, told through the unique eyes and unmistakable voice of JIANG Wen.

改編自張北海小說《俠隱》,1937年「七七事變」爆發前夕,一個身負大恨、自美歸國的特工李天然(彭于晏 飾),國難當前上演一齣終極復仇記── 15年前,師兄朱潛龍(廖凡 飾)勾結日寇根本一郎(澤田謙也 飾)殺害師父全家,與李天然結下血仇;15年後,朱潛龍已晉升為北平城警察局局長,一場「硬碰硬」的激戰風雨欲來,前朝武人藍青峰(姜文 飾)遊走兩邊、暗自 佈局,以李天然養父亨德勒(安地 飾)的名義,把他召回國執行秘密任務。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Hidden Man 邪不壓正 Blu-ray (2018) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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