I'm Livin' It Blu-ray (2020) 麥路人 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

$34.99 USD

I'm Livin' It Blu-ray (2020) 麥路人 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Aaron Kwok 郭富城
Miriam Yeung 楊千嬅
Alex Man Chi Leung 萬梓良 
Tats Cheung 張達明
Liu Ya Se 劉雅瑟
Paw Hee Ching 鮑起靜

Danny Wong Hing-Fun 黃慶勳

Soi Cheang 鄭保瑞

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
114 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
11 Dec 2020

Once a star in his finance firm, Bowen (starring Aaron Kwok) now spends his nights in a 24-hour fast food joint, where he encounters others “roommates” who are in a similar predicament: a mother Ma Ma (starring Cya Liu) with her daughter (starring Gaga Wong) who has taken out high-interest loans to cover her mother-in-law’s debt, an old man Uncle Wait (starring Alex Man) who is too afraid to go home, a street painting seller Chatting Cheung (starring Cheung Tat Ming), a young runaway Sam Chai (starring Zeno Koo), a young singer Jane (starring Miriam Yeung) living in a temporary shelter. Together these accidental roommates must strive to lift one another out of rock bottom.

阿博(郭富城 飾)曾是一位金融才俊,但一場股災挪用公款,結果淪為階下囚。出獄後的阿博無法原諒自己的過錯,對年老體衰的母親(鮑起靜 飾)和為他肩負巨大債務的妹妹(吳嘉星 飾)十分愧疚。他不想回家,更自暴自棄,從此成了無家者,活在眾多比他更無明天的人當中,找回些安全感。十年前與他有一面之緣的阿珍(楊千嬅 飾),因與阿博惺惺相惜而漸漸走近,希望有天能令他重新振作!

阿博在快餐店內遇到不少同路人,相互改寫了各自的人生:帶著囡囡(黃悅珈 飾)一直為奶奶還債而債台高築的媽媽(劉雅瑟 飾)、不敢回家的等伯(萬梓良 飾)、靠街頭賣畫維生的口水祥(張達明 飾)、剛離家出走的孤僻少年深仔(顧定軒 飾)等。眾人都以阿博為首,互相扶持,希望能盡力幫助彼此走過人生低谷……

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • I'm Livin' It Blu-ray (2020) 麥路人 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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