Jesus Wonder Vol.2 耶蘇的神蹟奇事 2 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) Animation

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Jesus Wonder Vol.2 耶蘇的神蹟奇事 2 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) Animation

Region Coding: Region Free



Audio Tracks: 


Picture Format:


English, Cantonese 粵語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
60 minutes

Unicorn Entertainment International Ltd.

Release Date:
24 May 2017

Christian miracle cartoons of Jesus for Kids.

Jesus Wonder is a wonder filled project where creativity and hi-tech unites to give birth to a miracle serial that can change the face of the world. The truth of the Word of God like the “double edged sword” will delve into the hearts and mind of children and young people. It is designed to onset a spiritual revolution in the younger generation whose personality is being malformed by the onslaught of modern media.

"耶穌的神蹟奇事“ (聖經動畫) Vol.2 -故事內容:

Chapter 1. 耶穌令瞎子看見 耶穌看見一個人生來是瞎眼的。耶穌說:「我在 世上的時候,是世上的光。」耶穌說了這話,就 吐唾沫在地上,用唾沫和泥抹在瞎子的眼睛上, 對他說:「你往西羅亞池子裏去洗。」他去一 洗,回頭就看見了。(約9:1-7)

Chapter 2. 寡婦兒子死而復活 耶穌往拿因城,將近城門一個死人被抬出來,是 個寡婦的獨生子;許多人同著寡婦送殯。耶穌看 見就憐憫那寡婦,對她說:「不要哭!」耶穌進 前按著槓,說:「少年人,我吩咐你,起來!」 那死人就坐起並且說話。(路7:11-15)

Chapter 3. 畢士大池的醫治 一個叫畢士大的池子,裏面許多病人等候水動; 因為天使按時攪動池水,誰先下去,無論甚麼病 就痊癒了。有個躺著的人病了三十八年,但沒有 人放他在池裏;耶穌對他說:「起來,拿你的褥 子走吧!」那人立刻痊癒。(約5:1-9)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Jesus Wonder Vol.2 耶蘇的神蹟奇事 2 (Region Free DVD) (English Subtitled) Animation

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