PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region Free
Jason Chan 陳柏宇
Chrissie Chau 周秀娜
Z.O. (Chen Zhi Ming) 沈志明
Dada Chan 陳靜
Gregory Wong 王宗堯
Jeana Ho 何佩瑜
Jun Kung 恭碩良
Sin Lap Man 單立文
Emme Wong 黃伊汶
Jacquelin Chong 莊思敏
Miki Yeung 楊愛瑾
Stephanie Cheng 鄭融
Bonnie Xian 冼色麗
Cheng Ka Wai 鄭家維
Wilson Chin 錢國偉
Audio Tracks:
DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1, Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
97 minutes
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
28 April 2020
Lan Kwai Fong (LKF), a well-known party location in Hong Kong with loads of nightclubs and bars. Everyone likes to go LKF for fun, one night stand or even true love. LKF had captured joys and sorrows of many.... Steven and Jennifer had one night stand but they both could feel true love comes along. Unfortunately, misunderstanding tore them apart and Jennifer decided to disappear from LKF. After eight months, Steven was promoted to work at head office in Australia. he reunited with Jennifer again at his farewell party but Jennifer had already engaged. Are they destined to meet the love of life at this place with tons of One Night Stand happening every night?
蘭桂坊是香港聞名的酒吧夜店集中地,有人尋找一夜繾綣、有人追求真摰愛情…蘭桂坊常客Steven (沈志明-飾) 遇上空姐Jennifer (連詩雅-飾),二人發生一夜情。但他們感覺今次真的戀愛了,可惜因為誤會令Jennifer 心灰意冷下決定絕跡蘭桂坊。事隔八個月,Steven 重遇日思夜想的Jennifer,更希望能夠與她發展,可惜Jennifer竟已成為大老闆Leslie (恭碩良-飾) 的女朋友。朋友以過來人身份勸Steven要像其好友Sean Ma (王宗堯-飾) 一樣,相信自己的感覺,Sean更為蕩女Cat (陳靜-飾) 付出。Steven決定鼓起勇氣去向Jennifer表白自己的心意,可惜一切卻為時已晚;Jennifer剛答應了Leslie的求婚! Steven毅然決定接受公司的調動,到外國總公司任職,好友們為他舉行Farewell Party,Jennifer 再次出現,他倆能否成為一對在燈紅酒綠的夜場中覓得真愛的戀人呢?