Last Exit To Kai Tak Blu-ray 分域大道 (YEC) (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version)

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Last Exit To Kai Tak Blu-ray 分域大道 (YEC) (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version)

Region Coding: Region Free

Joshua Wong 黃之鋒
Denise Ho 何韻詩
Wong Yeung Tat 黃洋達
Ed Lau 劉偉德
Derek Lam 林淳軒

Matthew Torne 杜浩綸

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1

Original Soundtrack 原聲 (mainly in Cantonese 粵語)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Number of Discs:
1 Disc (Blu-ray + DVD)

Running Time: 
129 minutes

YEC (2018)

Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
28 June 2019

As the face of the Umbrella Movement, Joshua Wong flies around the world advocating and being celebrated for his activism; back in Hong Kong he hopes to convert his popularity into an election win. But the threat of jail for role in the Umbrella Movement is never far away.

Canto-popstar turned democracy activist, Denise Ho parts ways with her record company and struggles with the transformation from Cantopop queen to an independent politically conscious rock musician.

L’enfant terrible of Hong Kong’s democracy movement, Wong Yeung Tat, is challenged to a boxing match by a pro-establishment goon who has taken exception to Tat’s rhetoric online. The resulting boxing match descends into the absurd and darkly comic.

Third culture kid, Ed Lau, watches his mother die from cancer and resolves to do something of meaning to combat his nagging sense that his involvement in the Umbrella Movement was all for nothing. Using his inheritance to fund his campaign he launches a bid to run for public office.

Longtime right-hand man to Joshua Wong, unlikely theology student and part-time talk radio DJ, Derek Lam, struggles to earn a living and to find his way in life. His activism having stymied his job options, to make ends meet Derek slaves for Joshua’s new political party and persuades Ed Lau to finance his local Hong Kong craft beer social initiative.

Kaleidoscopic and kinetic, this is cinema vérité at its very best.

This transgressive gonzo doc paints an epic vision of Hong Kong S.A.R. as it comes of age.

⾬傘運動完結後,⿈之鋒到世界各地展開他的倡議⼯ 作及致力延續社會運動。而在⾹港本土,他希望將⾃ 己的名聲轉化為選舉的⼒量。但同時間,他亦⾯對著 被判刑的威脅。

由一位不問世事的香港明星,演變成一位熱衷於推動 ⺠主及社會運動的何韻詩,在離開唱⽚公司後,面對 著由一名廣東歌天后轉型為一個具政治意識的獨立搖 滾音樂⼈的掙扎。

⾹港社運界中言⾏出位的黃洋達,被一名親建制的打 手挑戰。對方因反對黃在網上所發表的言論而提出挑 戰與他打一場拳賽。後來,拳賽卻淪為一個荒謬的笑 話。

從小已與⽗母分開,隻身留學外地獨立⽣活的劉偉德 在雨傘運動中迅速冒起。隨著見證母親因癌離世,以 及抵抗那種參與雨傘運動卻一無所得的失落感,他決 ⼼以母親遺產作為資金,支持自己與同伴競選區議會 議席。 作為黃之鋒長期的左右手、不像樣的神學生以及兼職 電台主持人,林淳軒一直在維持生計以及尋找⼈生的 路向糾纏著。社運中堅份子這個身份讓他無從找到工 作,林淳軒只好一直留在⿈之鋒新成立的政黨中刻苦 工作,並遊說劉偉德投資予他一個促進社區發展的⾹ 港啤酒企劃。

此電影以真實電影(cinema vérité)的⾵格呈現⼀部 萬花筒式且蘊藏⼒量的畫面;以剛左(Gonzo)和與 別不同的拍攝手法刻畫出⼀個史詩式的當代香港。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

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  • Last Exit To Kai Tak Blu-ray 分域大道 (YEC) (Region Free) (Hong Kong Version)

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