PlayStation Games
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PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Bob Lam 林盛斌
Natalie Tong 唐詩詠
Mak Ling Ling 麥玲玲
Tommy Wong 黃光亮
Ng Yuen Yee 吳浣儀
Mimi Chu 朱咪咪
Lo Hoi Pang 盧海鵬
Jacquelin Chong 莊思敏
Rose Chan 陳嘉桓
Susan Siu Yam Yam 邵音音
Gregory Charles Rivers 河國榮
Snow Suen Wai Suet 孫慧雪
Wong Pak Kei 黃柏基
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Upsampling 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
90 minutes
Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
14 April 2017
Chow Chong Fat (starring Bob Lam) and Wat Kam Heung (starring Ling Ling Mak), who knew each other since young, are coming to their 10th wedding anniversary. Fat always works as an accountant and also a handy man in the family business “Lo Wat Kei” founded by Heung’s father (starring Tommy Wong). Fat is ordered around by Heung’s family members every day. Bullied by Heung’s mom (Anna NG), uncle and aunt, Fat leads a very miserable life.
The only thing that brings Fat out of his rigid and boring life in “Lo Wat Kei” is the reunion with his dream lover Ceci (starring Natalie TONG). Lacking the joy of life, Fat buys a lottery ticket which wins him the first prize of 20 million HK dollars. But this is just the start of the whole exciting story.
周創發(林盛斌 飾)跟青梅竹馬的屈金香(麥玲玲 飾)結緍十載,一直在香父屈親仁(黃光亮飾)的家傳祖業「老屈記」任職會計兼打雜。發每天被屈家各人呼呼喝喝,更常被岳母屈李露媚(吳浣儀 飾)、表舅父(河國榮飾)和其妻子(莊思敏 飾)等眾人欺負,生活渡日如年。 在「老屈記」平板無趣的生活中,唯一令發提起勁來的,就是重遇夢中女神絲絲(唐詩詠飾)。失去人生樂趣的發,一天買了一張六合彩,竟然一注獨得四千萬頭奬! 真正精彩的故事現在才是剛剛開始。
movie trailer (English subtitled)