Masquerade Hotel (2019) 假面酒店 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Masukaredo Hoteru

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Masquerade Hotel (2019) 假面酒店 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Masukaredo Hoteru

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Takuya Kimura
Masami Nagasawa
Fumiyo Kohinata
Zen Kajihara
Yuki Izumisawa
Toshihide Tonesaku
Ren Ishikawa
Gaku Hamada
Atsuko Maeda

Masayuki Suzuki

Audio Tracks: 

DTS-HD MA 5.1 Surround

Picture Format:
1080i at PAL 50Hz 
(Please check your Blu-ray player region compatibility)



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
128 minutes

Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
25 Sept 2019

Three murders have occurred in the Tokyo area. Left behind in all of the murders is a series of baffling numbers – a possible hint as to the next crime – that sets off an investigation to uncover the identity of a serial murderer. Kosuke Nitta (Takuya Kimura) of the Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Division deciphers the numbers and believes the location of the next offense will occur at the Hotel Cortesia in Tokyo. The police decide to investigate from within the Hotel Cortesia and Nitta is assigned to investigate posing as a clerk at its front desk. Selected to train Nitta in the ways of working at the hotel is their first-rate clerk Naomi Yamagishi (Masami Nagasawa). Nitta has focused himself on unveiling the “masks” of the hotel guests and to discover who the killer is. However, Naomi sees her priority to be with that of the guests’ comfort and safety. Butting heads constantly due to their differing opinions, Nitta and Yamagishi forge on with the investigation, eventually discovering each other’s worth as, over time, a trust is built between them. Meanwhile, the case develops rapidly. The police and the hotel are backed into a corner. Sure enough, the true identity of the culprit of the mystery is none other than……

萬眾期待,東野圭吾暢銷懸疑系列《假面》首部曲《假面酒店》矚目搬上大銀幕!萬人迷木村拓哉首次挑戰天才「型」警角色。東京發生三宗兇殺案,現場都留有一連串離奇數字,精英刑警新田浩介(木村拓哉 飾)推斷出是下一次兇案發生地點的代號,並鎖定了一間五星級酒店。為把兇手繩之於法,警方動員臥底警察潛入酒店調查,傲慢豪爽的新田被派到前台工作,未開始查案,已和待客至上的服務員山岸尚美(長澤正美飾)開火!新田到底能否變面成謙遜的酒店員工,不敗露身份而成功緝兇?本片邀得木村和長澤兩大巨星首度合演,更請來了松隆子、前田敦子等紅星助陣。由《Hero律政英雄》導演鈴木雅之執導,首周末開畫已狂掃8億円,連續兩周登上票房冠軍﹗

movie trailer (Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Masquerade Hotel (2019) 假面酒店 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Masukaredo Hoteru
  • Masquerade Hotel (2019) 假面酒店 (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Masukaredo Hoteru

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