PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
YoYo Fung 馮海銳
Kyle Li 李任燊
Carmen Tong Ka Man 湯加文
Bryant Mak 麥子樂
Christy Chan 陳潔玲
Chan Wing Him 陳詠謙
Melrose Chan 陳美伊
Celine Chung 鍾卓菲
Julius Brian Siswojo 李凱賢
Micgo Ngan 顏米羔
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
26 Oct 2017
Balcony is the most luxurious members-only clubhouse in town, where investment analyst Stephen comes across millionaire Lucas, stock broker Master Alan and prostitute Milo. He learns the tricks of stock market trading from Master Alan and teaches Milo what he has learnt. Stephen and Milo are thrilled with making easy money in the stock market, but soon realize that it’s Lun to control everything behind the scene...
「Balcony」是香港最高級的會員制私人會所,以「全陀地」女生為賣點,吸引了一班城中名人、富二代及金融界大鱷光顧。史提芬周 (李任燊-飾)是一名分析員,因為一次工作關係,在「Balcony」中認識了富二代Lucas (麥子樂-飾)、細價股莊家倫爺 (李凱賢@廿四味 飾)及第一天「坐枱」的女大學生Milo (馮海銳-飾)。 倫爺十分賞識史提芬周,於是招攬他為門生,教曉他金融圈的幕後操控。與此同時,史提芬周亦將所學授予Milo,二人的關係亦師亦友,更漸漸產生了愛意。正當兩人扶搖直上,想藉著炒股票賺取更多快錢之際,發現原來在「Balcony」所發生的一切都是倫爺的陰謀。在爾虞我詐的股壇世界中,面對友情、愛情、金錢的考驗,眾人最終會選擇的究竟是什麼?
movie trailer (English subtitled)