Night's Tightrope 少女 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Shojo / Girls

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Night's Tightrope 少女 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Shojo / Girls
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Tsubasa Honda
Mizuki Yamamoto
Goro Inagaki

Yukiko Mishima

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1


Japanese 日本語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
119 minutes


Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
17 March 2017

Yuki (Tsubasa Honda) is a 2nd year high school student. She volunteers at a paediatrics ward for her summer vacation, because she wants to witness the moment a person dies. She got that thought after feeling envious of a transfer student's story of seeing a friend's dead body. Yuki has friend named Atsuko (Mizuki Yamamoto). She was bullied in the past and has anxiety issues. She volunteers at a nursing home for her summer vacation, hoping that she will gain courage if she sees the moment a person dies.

兩位高中生渴望見證人死前的一刻,真正了解死亡的意義。 由紀在高中二年級的暑假到醫院兒科病房當義工。學期快將完結,一位轉校生 - 紫織吹噓自己曾見過好友的屍體。這番話令由紀感到不安又妒忌,她決定要勝過紫織,要親眼見證人死前的一刻,於是跟兒科病房那些時日無多的 小孩成為朋友,希望願望成真。 同時,由紀的好友敦子也到了老人院當義工。敦子一直受人欺凌,幾乎失去 了生存意義,但看到死亡反而使她重拾希望和生存的力量。 就這樣,她們不尋常的暑假就開始了…

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Night's Tightrope 少女 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Shojo / Girls

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