PlayStation Games
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4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Brigitte Lin 林青霞
Cherie Chung 鍾楚紅
Sally Yeh 葉倩文
Mark Cheng 鄭浩南
Cheung Kwok Keung (KK) 張國強
Kent Tsang 曾江
Paul Chun 秦沛
Tsui Hark 徐克
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD 7.1, Dolby Digital 6.1
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕
Running Time:
105 minutes
Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)
Release Date:
11 April 2011 / 24 June 2021
In 1913, the political situation in China was turbulent. The separation of the country among warlords makes people have no means to make a living. Singer Sheung Hung (Cherie Chung) is a venal woman. She accidentally got pieces of jewels at a mutiny when she was performing a play at the house of Commander-in-chief. However she carelessly dropped the jewels on the cart of a theatrical troupe. Sheung followed the troupe and met Bai Niu (Sally Yeh) and Tsao Wan (Brigitte Lin). Bai was an enthusiastic performer not accepted by the feudal society and Tsao was patriotic. They grew up in total different ways with distinctive ideals. In this riotous environment, they met with one another to mark the best moment of their lives.
1913年,中國時局動盪,軍閥割據以致民不聊生。唯利是圖的歌妓湘紅(鐘楚紅 飾) 某次於段大帥家表演時遇上兵變,並於誤打誤撞下得到一批珠寶,當她滿心歡喜時該批珠寶卻掉落在一戲班卡車內。湘紅追至戲班,機緣巧合下認識了熱衷表演出但不獲封建社會認同的白妞(葉倩文 飾),與及對國家忠心耿耿的曹雲(林青霞 飾)。她們三人成長於不同背景,抱有不同理想,但生命卻在這動盪之秋交錯,並共同編織出一段動人之故事。
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