Perfect Exchange Blu-ray (1993) 至尊三十六計之偷天換日 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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Perfect Exchange Blu-ray (1993) 至尊三十六計之偷天換日 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Andy Lau 劉德華
Tony Leung Ka-Fai 梁家輝
Wan Chi Keung 尹志強
Kwan Hoi San 關海山
Christy Chung 鍾麗緹
Liu Kai Chi l廖啟智

Wong Jing 王晶

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
105 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
29 Oct 2021

Mondi Chan (Andy Lau) is a top-notched gambler/swindler. His girlfriend Lily (Christy Chung) and friend Ah Chi are card dealers at the casino where bad guy Lau and his mistress Mona (Anita Lee) owned. Chor Hung (Tony Leung Ka-Fai), a play on the Chinese name for famed retired actress Cherie Chung, is a senior security guard at the local prison. During a card game, Ah Chi and Mondi swindle millions of dollars from Lau, but they are caught. Lau makes a deal with Mondi - in exchange for Ah Chi (who had been kidnapped), Mondi needs to go to prison and find out where a guy named Robinson (Kwan Hoi-San) has hidden $3 billion dollars worth of bonds.

千術高手錢文迪(劉德華 飾)與女友莉莉(鍾麗緹 飾)與好友「金手指」阿智配合,在賭局中贏得富豪劉耀祖六百萬港幣。發現自己被騙的劉耀祖怒不可遏,綁架阿智要脅文迪為其入獄,以便從犯人魯賓孫(關海山 飾)手中拿回劉的三億財產。文迪擔心好友安危只得服從,入獄執行任務,進入了冤家——獄警殺手雄(梁家輝 飾)的勢力範圍。文迪在獄中憑藉過人手段很快站穩腳跟,甚至連殺手雄也一併收服。隨著文迪與魯賓孫接觸日深,他發現魯賓孫居然是劉耀祖岳父。原來劉耀祖覬覦魯賓孫財產多時,為此不惜將妻子殺害,魯賓孫替女兒報仇反遭陷害,落得在牢中晚景淒涼。正義感勃發的文迪決定幫魯賓孫討回公道,遂聯合殺手雄奪取劉耀祖的不義之財......

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Perfect Exchange Blu-ray (1993) 至尊三十六計之偷天換日 (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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