PG Love PG戀愛指引 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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PG Love PG戀愛指引 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Angie Shum Yat Ka 岑日珈
Jacqueline Chong 莊思敏
Alycia Chan 陳婉衡
Jumbo Tsang 曾淑雅
Anita Chui 崔碧珈
Vivian Law 羅彩寧
Bob Lam 林盛斌

Charlie Choi 蔡潔鈴

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1


Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
98 minutes

Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co., Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
19 Dec 2017

These six girls’ life journeys turn into new pages after being a promotion girl (PG). Ching Ching (starring Angie Shum) secretly becomes a PG to save money. She was heartbroken when her boyfriend Chi Wai (starring Ma Chi Wai) finds out about it and insulted her. Meanwhile, Torres (starring Chiu King Ho) starts to pursue her. She is struggling between them badly. Sugar (starring Jumbo Tsang) and Candy (Starring Anita Chui) are highly sought-after PGs who know how to take advantage from men. At a high-end banquet, they meet Vincent (starring Alan Luk) who claimed to be a rich banker. They then dated him and foster rivalry with each other. At last, they find out Vincent's untellable secret… Vicky (starring Alycia Chan) and Sammy (starring Vivian Law) were good friends. They take up the job of PG in hopes of drawing the attention from netizens and entering the modeling industry. To get famous, they always go all the way to flaunt their figures. Fung (starring Jacqueline Ch’ng) was once famous in the PG industry. She is dumped and gives up on herself until she runs into Brother Happy (starred Bob Lam). With his support, she regains her confidence…

幾個背景經歷不同的女生,因為PG (Promotion Girl)展開了不同的人生。晴晴 (岑日珈飾)為儲錢和男朋友志威(馬志威飾)去 旅行,偷偷當上PG工作,後來志威發現後與她 分手,而富二代Torres(趙勁皓飾)亦對她熱烈 追求,她周旋在二人之間。 Sugar(曾淑雅飾)和Candy(崔碧珈飾)是當紅 PG,善於用手段得到男人的好處,在一次富豪 飯局認識了銀行家Vincent(陸駿光飾),二人因 先後與他發展而反目,事後竟發現Vincent一個 不可告人的秘密。 Vicky(陳婉衡飾)和Sammy(羅彩寧飾)是大學 同學,希望藉著PG工作引來網民關注,殺入模 特兒行列,她們經常毫不吝嗇地展示身材搏出 位。 鳳姐(莊思敏飾)曾經叱吒PG界,在當紅時遇上 真愛而急流勇退。幾年後她慘遭被拋棄而自暴 自棄,直到重遇識於微時的Happy哥(Bob 飾),在他的多番支持下,終於再次建立自信。

movie trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • PG Love PG戀愛指引 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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