Special Forces 特種部隊 (2011) (Region A Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) French movie aka Forces spéciales

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Special Forces 特種部隊 (2011) (Region A Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) French movie aka Forces spéciales

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)


Diane Kruger
Djimon Hounsou
Benoît Magimel
Denis Ménochet
Raphaël Personnaz
Alain Figlarz

Stéphane Rybojad

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Digital 5.1 EX


Original Soundtrack (mainly in French, part-of English)

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
30 Nov 2017

In Stéphane Rybojad's Special Forces, war correspondent Elsa Cassanova (Diane Kruger) is taken hostage by the Taliban. Faced with her imminent execution, a Special Forces unit is dispatched to free her. In some of the worlds' most breathtaking yet hostile landscapes, a relentless pursuit begins between her kidnappers and a group of soldiers (Djimon Hounsou, Benoît Magimel, Denis Ménochet) who risk their lives to bring her home alive.

一名法國戰地女記者愛莎(戴安古嘉 飾)在巴基斯坦採訪期間遭塔利班綁架 ,塔利班將愛莎被擄的視頻放在網絡上,聲稱要在全世界面前處決她,愛莎生命進入倒數階段。與此同時,法國軍方派出一支由特種部隊成員組成的救 援小組,遠赴阿富汗展開營救行動。 救援小組不畏艱險在第一時間救出愛莎,卻意外與總部失去聯絡,陷入孤軍苦戰,命懸一線。一場塔利班殘暴追捕者和法國特種部隊之間的拉鋸逃亡戰被迫展開。塔利班沿路設下各種陷阱,要把救援小組置之死地;而救援小組 只有一個目標:成功營救愛莎逃離阿富汗。 最後,特種部隊成員能克服險惡地勢,殺出重圍嗎?

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • Special Forces 特種部隊 (2011) (Region A Blu-ray) (Hong Kong Version) French movie aka Forces spéciales

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