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Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
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Region Coding: Region Free
Cheung Kwok Chu
Joman Chiang
Irene Wan
Wei Wei
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese, Mandarin
English, Traditional Chinese
Running Time:
106 minutes
Panorama HK Distributions
Release Date:
21 Apr 2011
The film is based on the celebrated novel with the same name by Liu Yichang. Set in 1960s Hong Kong, this is the world in which writer Mr. Lau is forced to make a living writing popular martial-arts stories and pulp fiction, and seeks the only escape through alcohol. Often lost in drunken stupor, Lau can temporarily forget, but can never alter, the harsh reality of life. Lau meets and falls for the young and beautiful Lulu who works at a night club, and has a one night-stand with landlady Mrs. Wong which made him frustrated and depressed. His relationship with his mature but highly realistic girlfriend Lily also comes to a bitter end. Finally he meets Old Mrs. Lei who rents him a room and treats him like her son. But is her kindness and generosity a blessing or a curse for Lau, and will it lead to his salvation or downfall?
一位藝術良心未泯的作家劉先生(張國柱 飾),在香港商品經濟鋪天蓋地的浪潮中,賣文為生,麻醉自我,絕望地墮入撰寫武俠小說和庸俗的「文學垃圾」來謀生的「夢魘」中。主人公經常喝酒麻醉自己,徘徊於醉與醒之間,但無法改變現實困境。劉先生像浮萍一樣,不斷搬家。最初,他租住司馬夫婦的尾房,但房東只得十七歲的女兒司馬莉(郭善珩 飾),時常來引誘他,他因此而被房東趕走。他的紅顏知己張麗麗(江美儀 飾)經常在經濟上為他解困。然後,他搬到風韻猶存的王師奶(溫碧霞 飾)家。王師奶的丈夫是海員,每年只回家兩次;王師奶深閨寂寞,與劉先生一夜風流。劉先生礙於自尊,不願與她發展感情關係 。同一時間,劉先生追逐酒色,認識年輕舞女楊露(蔣祖曼 飾);楊露對他頗有好感,結果卻下嫁經濟能力比他好的年輕舞客。最後,他搬到雷氏夫婦的房子 。他終於交上好運,皆因他遇到慈祥的雷老太(韋偉 飾)。但他能否得到救贖 ,免於沉淪呢?
改編自 2010 香港書展 「年度文學作家」 劉以鬯 著名文學小說
Cheung Kwok Chu
Joman Chiang
Irene Wan
Wei Wei
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1
Cantonese, Mandarin
English, Traditional Chinese
Running Time:
106 minutes
Panorama HK Distributions
Release Date:
21 Apr 2011
The film is based on the celebrated novel with the same name by Liu Yichang. Set in 1960s Hong Kong, this is the world in which writer Mr. Lau is forced to make a living writing popular martial-arts stories and pulp fiction, and seeks the only escape through alcohol. Often lost in drunken stupor, Lau can temporarily forget, but can never alter, the harsh reality of life. Lau meets and falls for the young and beautiful Lulu who works at a night club, and has a one night-stand with landlady Mrs. Wong which made him frustrated and depressed. His relationship with his mature but highly realistic girlfriend Lily also comes to a bitter end. Finally he meets Old Mrs. Lei who rents him a room and treats him like her son. But is her kindness and generosity a blessing or a curse for Lau, and will it lead to his salvation or downfall?
一位藝術良心未泯的作家劉先生(張國柱 飾),在香港商品經濟鋪天蓋地的浪潮中,賣文為生,麻醉自我,絕望地墮入撰寫武俠小說和庸俗的「文學垃圾」來謀生的「夢魘」中。主人公經常喝酒麻醉自己,徘徊於醉與醒之間,但無法改變現實困境。劉先生像浮萍一樣,不斷搬家。最初,他租住司馬夫婦的尾房,但房東只得十七歲的女兒司馬莉(郭善珩 飾),時常來引誘他,他因此而被房東趕走。他的紅顏知己張麗麗(江美儀 飾)經常在經濟上為他解困。然後,他搬到風韻猶存的王師奶(溫碧霞 飾)家。王師奶的丈夫是海員,每年只回家兩次;王師奶深閨寂寞,與劉先生一夜風流。劉先生礙於自尊,不願與她發展感情關係 。同一時間,劉先生追逐酒色,認識年輕舞女楊露(蔣祖曼 飾);楊露對他頗有好感,結果卻下嫁經濟能力比他好的年輕舞客。最後,他搬到雷氏夫婦的房子 。他終於交上好運,皆因他遇到慈祥的雷老太(韋偉 飾)。但他能否得到救贖 ,免於沉淪呢?
改編自 2010 香港書展 「年度文學作家」 劉以鬯 著名文學小說