The Inerasable 冤魂物業: 殘穢 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Zange - Sunde wa Ikenai Heya

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The Inerasable 冤魂物業: 殘穢 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Zange - Sunde wa Ikenai Heya
Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)


Yuko Takeuchi
Ai Hashimoto
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Kentaro Sakaguchi
Kenichi Takito

Yoshihiro Nakamura

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby Digital 5.1 EX Surround



English, Traditional Chinese

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)


Edko Films Ltd. (HK)

Release Date:
2 Nov 2016

Everything starts from a letter.

One day, a novelist receives a letter from Ms Kubo, a university student. She writes of strange noises she hears in her apartment. Kubo investigates the history of the building and discovers that a series of previous tenants have all been victims of an unknown force which has driven some of them to suicide and even murder after they moved out of the apartment block.

Why did they die miserable deaths after they moved out? Why not while they lived in the apartment where the strange noises are heard? They finally learn the shocking truth which happened many decades ago and this embroils them in a series of thrilling incidents.

以為搬離凶宅就相安無事﹖污糟嘢繼續纏住你,隨時索命﹗恐怖小說家(竹內結子 飾)收到了讀者久保(橋本愛 飾)的來信︰「我住的房間常突然傳出怪聲。」好奇心驅使下,她決定與久保展開調查。她們在查探過程中赫然發現原來整棟大廈的住客都被詭異事件纏繞。榻榻米傳出的怪聲、空房內的走動聲、令人心寒的騷擾電話和嬰兒哭聲等。二人為尋真相繼續抽絲剝繭,卻不知道自己已惹上這棟冤魂物業的「殘穢」,慢慢墮進黑暗的深淵……電影由驚悚推理大導演中村義洋與暢銷恐怖小說家小野不由美攜手打造,恐怖呈現大銀幕,嚇入東京國際電影節競賽單元。

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

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  • The Inerasable 冤魂物業: 殘穢 (2016) (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Zange - Sunde wa Ikenai Heya

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