The Intellectual Trio (1985) 龍鳳智多星 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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The Intellectual Trio (1985) 龍鳳智多星 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)

Leslie Cheung 張國榮
Billy Lau 樓南光
Joyce Ni 倪淑君
Sandy Lam 林憶蓮
Joh Chung-Sing 左頌昇
Stanley Fung 馮淬帆
Charlie Cho 曹查理
Anna Ng Yuen Yee 吳浣儀

Guy Lai 黎應就

Audio Tracks:  
Dolby Digital

Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Running Time:  
90 minutes

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
5 March 2021

Taiwan Interpol Simon (Billy Lau) visits Hong Kong and is served by Wing (Leslie Cheung), the young and witty cop. Their adventures begin when they encounter two pretty girls, Pretty Eyes (Joyce Ni) and Slant Eyes (Sandy Lam). These two girls are pickpockets and have stolen a medallion from the professional killer (Joh Chung Sing). The killer is desperate to get back his treasure, that even though the detectives try to protect the sisters, the four are in great danger.

台灣國際刑警西門汀(樓南光 飾)被派來港交流,甫抵香港機場,因言語不通,差點破壞港警的緝毒工作,可幸港方主管探長張榮(張國榮 飾)機智奮勇,終能拘捕毒販歸案,唯汀亦同時以同謀身份被捕。在警署中,汀被榮等加以拷問,幸而榮之上級谷督察(馮淬帆 飾)及時趕到將誤會澄清,更派選榮負責招待汀以和解彼此間之誤會。在一次偶然場合,汀與榮邂逅了一對「扒手姊妹花」:雙眼皮(倪淑君 飾)和單眼皮(林憶蓮 飾)。汀與榮對二人心儀不已,然而她們卻不假以顏色,令汀與榮十分掃興!

海外職業殺手米安(左頌昇 飾)被聘來港執行神秘任務。當安依照指示在酒店取得目標物件後,竟被姊妹花無意中取去。安心有不甘,對她們窮追不捨,她們漸感走頭無路,竟施計投警被捕以謀脫險……

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • The Intellectual Trio (1985) 龍鳳智多星 (Region 3 DVD) (English Subtitled)

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