PlayStation Games
Switch Games
PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays
Region Coding: Region Free
Yu Chan Yuan 于占元
William Louie
David Pedernera
Starr Hester
Wu Chao Nan 吳兆南
Pao Chia Tsung 包家聰
Josephn Kuo Nan Hong 郭南宏
Josephn Kuo Nan Hong 郭南宏
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Running Time:
88 minutes
Mei Ah Entertainment (HK) 美亞娛樂
Release Date:
12 July 2002
An elderly Chinese martial artist, Wen Ren Yang, comes from Hong Kong to his disciple's gymnasium in Los Angeles to fight with his U.S. counterparts. He beats a boxer, a karate-fighter, and a wrestler to become popular in the country. Ting secretly places heavy stakes on each fight and wins a vast amount of money as a result...