The Trading Floor 東方華爾街 Blu-ray TV Series Set Episode 1-5 (電視劇1-5集完) (2018) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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The Trading Floor 東方華爾街 Blu-ray TV Series Set Episode 1-5 (電視劇1-5集完) (2018) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Francis Ng 吳鎮宇
Joseph Chang 張孝全
Patrick Tam 譚耀文
Maggie Cheung Ho Yee 張可頤
Yu Nan 余男
Poon Chan Leung 潘燦良
Carlos Chan 陳家樂
Jacky Cai 蔡潔
Liu Kai Chi 廖啟智

Wong Kwok Keung 黃國強

Audio Tracks: 

Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling

Mandarin 國語, Cantonese 粵語

English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕

Number of Discs:
2 Blu-rays

Running Time: 
250 minutes + 22 minutes (bonus)

Panorama (HK)

Release Date:
28 Sept 2018

The world of finance is ever-changing. In this grand era where morals are sold completely short and greed is the market leader, everyone craves control of the rules of the game. Under Secretary of the Minister of Economic Development Anthony Yip (played by Francis Chun-yu NG) works with the “Three Financial Giants”: Eastman Properties Ronald Man (played by Albert Mo-hao CHEUNG), Evergate Construction Materials K Fok (played by Mark Lui CHEUNG) and Marco Media Y Cheung (played by Kar-ying LAW) to manipulate the financial market for profit. In order to generate an even greater gain, Yip brings back financial genius Hong Wai (played by Hsiao-chuan CHANG) from Myanmar, where he had been hiding from international authorities, in order to set the stage for a new financial crisis. At the heart of the tornado that is wealth, fame, and hatred, there is more than just two men fighting -- the entire Asian financial market is at stake.

金融世界瞬息萬變,商業組織、政府與傳媒之間有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,泡沫經濟背後隱藏種種金權交易。在道德被全然沽空,貪婪主導的大時代,每人 都想操控遊戲的法則。 高雲城發展局副局長葉抱一(吳鎮宇 飾)與「三大金融巨鱷」地產商文啟山(張武孝 飾)、建材商霍堅(張雷 飾)及傳媒機構老闆張融(羅家英 飾)官商合作,操縱市場從中獲利。為了詐取更大利益,更引領因罪潛逃緬 甸的金融奇才韋航(張孝全 飾)回來,部署新一場金融風雲。 財富、名譽、仇恨的漩渦中心不只是兩個男人間戰爭,整個亞洲經濟巿場也 被捲入其中……

TV series trailer (English subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • The Trading Floor 東方華爾街 Blu-ray TV Series Set Episode 1-5 (電視劇1-5集完) (2018) (Region A) (English Subtitled)

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