The Travelling Cat Chronicles 旅貓日記 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Tabineko Ripoto

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The Travelling Cat Chronicles 旅貓日記 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Tabineko Ripoto

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)

Sota Fukushi
Yuko Takeuchi 
Alice Hirose
Takuro Ohno
Ryosuke Yamamoto
Tomoya Maeno

Koichiro Miki

Audio Tracks: 

DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, Dolby Digital 5.1



English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕

Running Time: 
- minutes (TBA)

NeoFilms NFI

Release Date:
13 June 2019

A feral cat, Nana, had never believed in human or to get with them, except Satoru, the one always bring delicious food to Nana. One day, Nana was hit by car and seriously injured. Satoru found Nana and sent it to the clinic. Starting from that day, Nana become Satoru’s cat and family.

However, after living together for a long time, Satoru suddenly want to giveaway Nana because of a secret reason. Therefore, Satoru and Nana start their first and last journey in order to find Nana’s new owner. However, Nana don’t want to part from Satoru and not willing to open its mind to Satoru’s friends. Satoru have no idea at Nana, so they go to visit his aunt, who look after Satoru to grow up…

每天堅持著流浪貓的尊嚴、堅毅地過日子的奈奈(高畑充希 聲演),向來不信任人類,也無意和人類打好關係。唯獨對定期為自己帶來美食的溫柔青年阿悟(福士蒼汰),奈奈才稍微有點好感。

某天,奈奈橫過馬路時躲避不及,被車撞倒而身受重傷。在牠意識迷糊之際,拼命地呼喚奈奈的正是阿悟。也是從這天起,奈奈和阿悟成為了彼此的家人。 然而凡事以奈奈為首要考慮的阿悟,突然因某個原因決定送走奈奈。為了尋找新主人,阿悟駕著自己的愛車,與奈奈踏上第一次、也是最後一次的旅途。可是不情願的奈奈沒法對阿悟的朋友打開心扉,不只是在小學同學(山本涼介)面前脫籠而出,也故意與高中同學夫婦(廣瀨愛麗絲、大野拓朗)的狗狗找茬打架。無計可施的阿悟只好帶著奈奈,探訪從小照顧自己的阿姨(竹內結子)……

movie trailer (English & Chinese subtitled)

Product Images (click to enlarge)
  • The Travelling Cat Chronicles 旅貓日記 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Tabineko Ripoto
  • The Travelling Cat Chronicles 旅貓日記 (2018) (Region A Blu-ray) (English Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Tabineko Ripoto

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