PlayStation Games
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PlayStation 3 Games
4K Ultra HD Movies
Hong Kong Version Blu-Rays
Hong Kong Version DVDs
US & UK Version Blu-Rays

Region Coding: Region 3 (Locked)
Cherry Ngan 顏卓靈
BabyJohn Choi 蔡瀚億
Tommy "Guns" Ly
Lokman Yeung 楊樂文
Janice Fan 范穎兒
Paul Wong 黃貫中
Gloria Yip 葉蘊儀
Bob Lam 林盛斌
Lydia Lau 劉敬雯
Tasha Wong 黃莉雅
Popper 88 (孖八)
Adam Wong 黃修平
Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital EX
Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Number Of Discs:
2 DVDs
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
28 March 2014
Fa (Cherry Ngan) has always worked in the small family-run beancurd shop of her Teochew parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lam (Chan Wing-chiu, Gloria Yip), but spends her days and nights dreaming of street dancing. Finally, when she goes to college, her dreams come true when she's accepted by the school's premier dance group BombA. She impresses the group's leader, Dave (Lokman Yeung), and is also noticed by Stormy (Tommy "Guns" Ly), leader of Hong Kong's famous Rooftoppers group who's just returned after two years away. Dave realises BombA will be up against the Rooftoppers at the next Dance Chample, and wants to give Fa a chance to shine in a solo. Fa, meanwhile, has fallen for Dave, though faces competition from BombA's other newbie, the sexy Rebecca (Janice Fan). When Dave seems to favour Rebecca's advances, Fa storms off in a huff and joins the college's taiji club, led by the geeky Alan (BabyJohn Choi). She eventually gets to like taiji and performs fan dances with them. When Dave challenges Stormy to a preliminary competition to gauge how good the Rooftoppers are, BombA doesn't measure up without Fa. After Rebecca leaves the group to reinvent herself as Momoko in an Anime Babe beauty contest, Dave begs Fa to return and she shows the group how they can incorporate taiji moves into their routines.
- Commentary by Film Critics Tang Siu Wah and Chan Chi Wa
成長於祖傳荳品店的花(顏卓靈 飾)其實是Hip-hop天才少女如願入讀大學擺脫陳舊豆腐味搖身一變成為大學舞隊「BombA」的超新星更獲萬人迷社長Dave (Lokman 飾)垂青。好夢正甜之際花卻遭火辣美眉Rebecca(Janice飾)橫刀奪愛和挑撥離間嘲笑花的自創舞步猶如一隻招潮蟹一下子把花打回原形。愛情理想雙失的花黯然出走「BombA」。老套騎呢的太極社社長良(Babyjohn 飾)卻看中花的心靈手巧拉攏她加入太極社。花原以為太極與良一樣無聊老套直至發現良不為人知的過去知道他如何被太極改變並感化別人改過自新後花對太極與良完全改觀二人日久生情擦出愛火花更自創出絕世舞招太極Hip Hop。就在此時「BombA」及Dave因Rebecca參加選美及八卦周刊的醜聞報導而名譽掃地隊員士氣低落如一盤散沙Dave苦苦哀求花回歸舞隊應付即將舉行的比賽花心動希望重返舞林一圓夢想卻被暗自呷醋的良無意間弄傷令她要坐三個月輪椅……花感失意絕望瀕臨放棄之時宿敵「Rooftoppers」的老大Stormy(Tommy Guns飾)現身花的輪椅面前當面揭開一個「Rooftoppers」稱霸舞壇的秘密……
movie trailer (English subtitled)