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The Yuppie Fantasia Trilogy Blu-ray Boxset 小男人週記 全1-3集精裝版 (1989-2017) (Region A) (English Subtitled) 3 Movie Collection
$69.99 USD

Region Coding: Region A (Locked)
Lawrence Cheng 鄭丹瑞
Chrissie Chau 周秀娜
Larine Tang 鄧月平
Carol Cheng (DoDo) 鄭裕玲
Cherie Chung 鍾楚紅
Sibelle Hu 胡慧中
Rosamund Kwan 關之琳
Babyjohn Choi 蔡翰億
Hedwig Tam 談善言
Manfred Wong 文雋
Peter Lai 黎彼得
Anthony Chan 陳友
Louis Cheung 張繼聰
Harriet Yang 楊詩敏 (蝦頭)
Lawrence Cheng 鄭丹瑞
Audio Tracks:
Dolby TrueHD Advanced 96k upsampling, Dolby Digital EX
Number of Discs:
3 Blu-rays
Running Time:
- minutes (TBA)
Panorama (HK)
Release Date:
7 April 2017
The Yuppie Fantasia 小男人周記 (1989)
Languages: Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
33歲的梁寬(鄭丹瑞 飾)任職廣告公司,與妻子Ann(鄭裕玲 飾)結婚8年。事業出色的妻子支配著梁寬生活,兩人磨擦漸深,暗藏婚姻危機,一次爭吵終導致梁寬 與Ann分居收場。 此時,梁寬重遇初戀情人Jenny(李美鳳 飾),Jenny對他千依百順,屬「受保護動物」型。究竟梁寬最愛是誰?他 能否找回最初的摯情呢?
Brief Encounter in Shinjuku 小男人周記 II 錯在新宿 (1990)
Languages: Cantonese 粵語, Mandarin 國語
Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
小男人阿寬(鄭丹瑞 飾)與妻Ann(鄭裕玲 飾)復合後,互相遷就,再婚生活逐漸愜意。寬任職公關公司,認識了缺乏自信的女同事關之琳,見她終日冒冒失失,更被追求不遂者挾制,寬於心不忍,在工作上處處扶持。正因如此,關對寬由同事之誼轉為男女之情,剛好寬與Ann稍 有磨擦,寬轉而愛上關,更與關去日本公幹。 此時Ann遇上區議員朱,對朱頗有好感,但Ann懸崖勒馬,未動真情。返港後,寬欲向Ann攤牌,關竟表示與寬只屬工作關係,毅然斷絕與寬的感情,令寬遭受打擊,心情頹然。Ann得悉真相,與寬再度決裂。究竟寬最後能否得到 Ann的原諒呢?
The Yuppie Fantasia 3 小男人週記3之吾家有喜 (2017)
Language: Cantonese 粵語
Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕
Leung Foon, 52 years old, his life experienced three waves: 1. when Ann made him by the boy into a man that day, 2. he married Ann and become a wife slave, 3. Ann take away their 8-years-old daughter and leave him alone. After these three storms, Leung Foon become Male chauvinism. Now, he is the fair-haired boy of the chairman in a listed company. He will do anything to make money without guilty. The property he had, it’s enough for him to live without worries. One thing that Leung Foon regret is Ann cannot see his “growth”. After Leung Foon become rich, he is afraid to face himself in the mirror. The 4th storm for Leung Foon is his daughter He He suddenly comes back, he doesn’t know how to be a father with a plump figure’s daughter. In Leung Foon’s memory, He He was just 8-years-old girl. He He’s return, made Leung Foon get some change, he can finally face with mirror. Because of He He, Leung foon has the courage to go young again and wayward again.
52歲的梁寬,前半生經歷了三個巨浪:一) 阿Ann令他由男仔變成男人;二) 幾年後他娶了阿Ann,變成一個老婆奴;三) 阿Ann認為他 沒出息,帶走8歲女兒後人間蒸發。 梁寬化悲傷為力量,由小男人蛻變成上市公司主席……身邊的大紅人,學嘵用無所不用其極的手段去賺錢,擁有的財產足以一生無憂 ,但他最大遺憾是阿Ann看不到他的「長進」。 女兒喜喜回歸對梁寬來說又是另一衝擊。畢竟梁寬的記憶中,喜喜只得8歲,現在卻是個18歲卜卜脆,兼擁有33D上圍的女兒。然而喜 喜回歸,悄悄改變著梁寬,令他有勇氣去再年輕,再任性一次。
movie trailer (English subtitled)